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Can we control? Before its too late!

Hello, everyone in @holoslotus, @naturalmedicine, and the entire @hive community. This is my participation in the contest ¨Earth Healing Challenge¨. You can know about it here
I ask @bhattg and @diebitch to write on this

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I want to ask those who waste water if they have learned any art of living without water, they also tell us, so that the future generation can learn to live without water. Otherwise, is it appropriate to build a mall instead of a pond? This is what is happening today. Those who waste water, understand that this water will continue to ruin you. One drop of water means one drop of blood, understand this. You wasted water, blood will flow to your family members. Will you be able to make your eyes so capable that you will be able to see the blood of which dear member of your own family is flowing in vain? If not, then start saving every drop of water, not from today itself. If you don't do this, you will be killed.

Global warming has become the biggest problem of the world today. Due to this not only man, but every living being on earth is suffering. Efforts are being made all over the world to deal with global warming, but instead of reducing the problem, it is increasing year after year. Since this is just the beginning, the future could be even horrible if we do not act now. Before proceeding, let us know what is global warming.

What is Global Warming?

As the name suggests, global warming is a continuous increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere. Our earth normally gets heat from the rays of the sun. These rays, going through the air, hit the outside of the earth and afterward reflect from that point and return. Earth's atmosphere is consists of many gases, including greenhouse gases. Most of these form a kind of natural layer over the earth. This cover impedes a piece of the returning rays and consequently keeps the Earth's climate warm. Significantly that a temperature of at least 16 degrees Celsius is necessary for the survival of humans, animals, and plants. Scientists believe that with an increase in greenhouse gases, this cover becomes even denser. In such a situation, this cover starts blocking more rays of the sun, and then from here the side effects of global warming started.

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What are the causes of global warming?

We humans and our activities are mostly responsible for global warming. The man, who considers himself to be the most intelligent creature on this earth, unknowingly or intentionally, is bent on destroying his own habitat. Due to these man-made activities, the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, etc. is increasing, due to which these gases are getting denser. This cover is blocking the sun's reflected rays, due to which the temperature of the earth is increasing. Carbon dioxide is increasing due to indiscriminate gaseous emissions from vehicles, airplanes, power plants, industries, etc. The destruction of forests in large numbers is another reason for this. Forests control the amount of carbon dioxide naturally, but this natural control is also being left out of our hands due to their wild harvesting.

Another reason for this is CFCs which are used in refrigerators, fire extinguishers, etc. It works to destroy the ozone layer, a natural covering on the earth. The ozone layer prevents harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun from reaching the earth. Scientists say that there has been a big hole in this ozone layer, due to which ultraviolet rays are reaching the earth directly, thus making it continuously hot. It is the result of rising temperature that the ice that has been frozen for centuries on the poles has also started melting. In developed or underdeveloped countries, the need for electricity is increasing everywhere. Fossil fuels have to be used in large quantities for the production of electricity. The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide which increases the effect of greenhouse gases. The result of this comes out in the form of global warming.

Effects of Global Warming:

The temperature of the atmosphere will increase further: In the last ten years, the average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius. It is feared that in the coming time there will be more increase in global warming.

Increase in sea surface: Due to global warming, the temperature of the earth will increase, due to which the ice deposited on glaciers will start melting. In many places, this process has already started. The melting of glacier ice will increase the amount of water in the oceans, which will increase their surface year after year. As the sea level rises, the natural coasts will start eroding, causing a large part to be submerged. Thus the majority living in the coastal areas will be rendered homeless.

Impact on Human Health: Climate change will affect human beings, and many people will have to lose their lives. With the increase in heat, infectious diseases like malaria, dengue, and yellow fever will increase. The time may soon come when most of us do not have clean water to drink, fresh food to eat, and even clean air to breathe.

Effect on animals and plants: Global warming will also have a profound effect on animals and plants. It is believed that as the summer progresses, animals and birds will gradually migrate to the northern and mountainous areas, but some will lose their existence in the process.

Impact on cities: There is no doubt that due to the increase in heat, the consumption of the energy used for cooling will decrease, but it will be met in air conditioning. A huge amount of electricity will have to be used to cool the houses. If the use of electricity increases, then it will also increase global warming.

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How to avoid global warming?

There is a growing concern around the world about global warming. This can be gauged from the fact that this year's Nobel Peace Prize has been given to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations organization working in the field of environmental protection, and former Vice President of Environmentalist America, Al Gore. But the question is, can the problem of global warming be tackled only by giving Nobel Prize to those working in the field of environmental protection? Of course not. For this we can make several efforts:

  • All countries should follow Kyoto Protocol. Under this, the emission of harmful gases will have to be reduced by 2012.
  • This responsibility is not only of the government. We all can also reduce harmful gases by reducing the use of petrol, diesel, and electricity. This can also be helped with by technical development. We should make refrigerators that do not use CFCs and make vehicles that emit the least smoke.
  • Deforestation of forests has to be stopped. We all have to plant more and more trees. This can likewise decrease the impact of a worldwide temperature alteration.