DIY - Healthy Raspberry and Currant Jam

I'm a bit late with this post as the jam was made in July but time flies and I'm trying to do my best, keep up with things. July it is always fruit harvest time as both raspberries and currants are ripe by this time. That's what we have in the garden, free organic fruits, perfect for some jam.


Oh, and we have some gooseberries as well, I almost forgot. Gooseberries are kind of new entry as my grandmother had a lot but those dried out or were too old, so we planted new ones a couple of years ago and now they are old enough to produce fruits.


This year the fruit we were able to harvest was pure gift from mother nature as we were not able to do any preparation work that needs to be done each year in order to get a better harvest.


We should have trimmed both the raspberries and the currants but couldn't do to the lockdown. I'm pretty sure we would have got more fruits but I'm not complaining, I'm happy we still got a lot of fruits.


There are two types of currants in the garden, red and white, although white is less than red, I believe white is only 30%. Usually I'm separating the two and make white and red jam but this year I saw no point in that as the harvest was not so big.


To my surprise gooseberries we got plenty this year and they are sweet, which is a plus as I can use less sugar.

The recipe is pretty simple. I'm cooking the fruits for 20 - 30 minutes, after which I'm using my juice maker to separate the seeds from the juice. Then I'm cooking the juice for 30 - 40 minutes, then add pectin and sugar. Pectin is made of fruit extract, all natural and healthy and I'm using very little sugar.


There's no need for preservative as I'm turning the jars upside down for 5 minutes and that is enough.


So here it is, homemade fruit jam, made of homegrown fruits. Organic, healthy and tasty.


After checking out the jams that you can buy at the grocery store and learning that those have 2/3 sugar, I prefer to make my own jam and eat jam indeed, instead of sugar mixed with some colorants.

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