To Bee Or Not To Bee: That Is The Natural Medicine Question!

In life we often ask questions, hoping for simple answers that are black and white. What is often the case however is that the answer always depends on the circumstances! SO, today I'm posting for the Bee challenge hosted by the NaturalMedicine Tribe , because today something happened that made me realise that sometimes at least, we have to make exceptions!

You know, there are different kinds of bee keepers. There are some who house bee's just to take all their honey and not care about the population. There are others who never harvest any honey, and look after their bees for the good of the natural systems of the planet. One thing is for sure, protecting Bee's is Very important.. but does that have to preclude eating honey? Well, as I started out saying, it depends on the circumstances!

This afternoon my neighbour turns up at my door with a very nice looking slab of honey on the comb. He is a young Indian man, who farms, grows vegetables, and has chickens and other produce that they eat and live off. They look after their bees, and they don’t take all the honey so that the bee community can grow and thrive. This gift of honey that he presented to me was probably about the only thing of material value that he has that he could give me. So of course, i took this beautiful honey and immediately tried it out. It was Divine, a gift. My whole body reacted and fell into a kind of honey bliss. I can still feel it an hour later!

So to relate this to some of the questions posed by NaturalMedicine.. i DO eat honey, but sparingly. There are alternatives, but there's nothing even close to honey! When someone turns up at my door offering me a beautiful piece of it am I going to eat it, For sure I am! There are of course many companies that produce honey on a huge scale, in a very centralized way. Almond growers import ridiculous numbers of bees to pollinate their plants, in a very centralized manner. .. but do I eat almonds.. sure I do.. but im careful to buy from people who work on a small scale, and as locally as I can.

To me it's more about taking the time to source responsibly, or better still make it yourself.. We must understand that when we buy products from megalithic companies, we are then contributing to the real problem. The larger a company the more things exploited and desecrated.

The bees don't mind sharing some of their honey, especially if were growing tonnes of flowers for them to drink from. We just need to be mindful of our action and choices, and source things locally, support the right people who are doing things in the right way.

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