womb sovereignty, women's power and vitality, and female dignity


Dearest Natural Health friends and Womb-One,

I have just edited all my Sacred Pregnancy series posts, 19 of them, which share intimately around my recent gestation. As I complete and tidy up this series, it brings up a great deal of feeling, alongside what I'm sensing within the fabric of our reality, as the deep feminine and the deep masculine begin a phase of significant revelation, recalibration and harmonising...


It can be triggering and controversial to the distorted psyche of our modern conditioning, even to use the words 'woman' and 'power' next to each other. Distorted portrayals of our power are 'immortalised' in myriad media, film, celebrity.... and our perception of our very own bodies is crazily weighed down by medicalisation-pathologisation-projection of the contemporary 'health' 'perspective'. It takes an extremely powerful woman to recognise this, and to step neatly out of it: to claim her sovereignty as inalienable.


The conflict between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine can be seen as a metaphor of 'good' versus 'evil', 'heaven' versus 'hell' and suchlike: the superficial or clichéd aspects of our yinyang are for the greater part almost perfectly inverted, and we struggle to gain any kind of sense within our Self, of what our 'gender' actually IS and what we DO with it. But this is the surface. We are more than the surface. And as soon as we breathe in, sit down and relax, tune in to our core our womb our feeling, we can effortlessly access this SO-MUCH-more-than-the-sum-of-the-parts.


Then we stand up and walk out and about again, and the crazy is all around us: the presumption of the right to trespass and steal our energy-time-privacy-attention, the assumption that we want to play super-limiting roles and allow all kinds of diminishing projections to be laid over us making us invisible, the contracting into every type of contraction - accumulating and stagnating, as we try to stand up straight against the force of it all....


It takes immense discipline to get to that place (here!) where we no longer have to feel weighed down, overwhelmed, distorted or diminished by the collective psychosis. It takes huge effort, and yet every step we take allows us to live more effortlessly: we were always here and we always had access to our magic.

We exist in a mystical time, as we always have done, where all that mystical shit which seemed occulted and inaccessible is pouring into our sentience-consciousness-focus: it is right here, waiting for us to tune in to it. The space where all pain, all conflict and all suffering fall away, is right here, waiting for us to tune out of the tension.


Womb work is the most direct way to Source and to infinite energy, vitality and creative power. My Sovereign Womb podcasts delve into the pure experience of the female body as portal and container of the divine, the mystical and the blood mystery: our womb will tell us all the secrets of the Universe if we take the time to listen.


Throughout my gestation, and particularly as it completed, I felt all the feels around where we are routinely demonised, ridiculed, shamed... I felt what has been projected onto women over the millennia: I felt how it is a tangling of the threads of reality around us - but also I felt how we can simply tune out of that entanglement - refuse the offer, decline to consent to it - and it will immediately fall away.

This is the power of the feminine; her imaginal realm was harnessed - the WombOne, the connectedness of all Wombs - and we were lured into this pergatory of thinking ourselves to be trapped in the material, without our divine aspect. As we imagine it, it was so. It was necessary to feel it all, fully, because then we can then recognise where we'd agreed to explore this lower vibration and this extreme polemic away from the beauty of our Cosmic Union.


Almost as soon as I felt it, I felt it loosen: I feel it loosen more each and every day, and I know that we will find it easier and easier, to know our infinite vitality, our power to heal ourselves, and our mystical capacity to restore harmony in the world.


The beauty of having this revealed, is that it can free us to not hate, to not demonise and to not be separate. It's a strange world to live in, once we recognise our individual and collective power, to create and not to limit; it doesn't automatically free us, because we still have to walk down the street in front of evil eyes and projections of bad woman, we still have to watch friends with jealous projections and be ready for sniping from unexpected sources, BUT when we remove our energy both from unconsciously/ passively-aggressively doing the same, AND from defending ourselves from things that have no power in relation to our omnipresent interwoven fabric of love - the energy rises, the consciousness rises, and all things fall away that would want to hurt the harmony, as it were.


I see and hear so many more women's voices right now, and I revel in how simple a thing it is, for us to share our experiences in our own words. I remember a time, as I was learning to speak, that I felt the huge gulf between what I felt, and what I was being instructed that I could say... It took decades to bridge that void, and to reclaim the connectedness.

I see and hear many men also, speaking fearlessly with feeling and spontaneity, and out-with the conventional structures of their privileged hierarchy: then I see their genius waking up!


I sense that we're entering a time of much more witnessing of each other, as women and men, and I feel how this is allowing us to sense more collectively; to reach out into our collective imaginal realm, harmoniously instead of being at war, creatively instead of feeling threatened and getting defensive... We have such immense power in our cells and bones, blood and sinew, warming up to this new reality of co-creation. Each and every expression witnessed, frees up the tension, and frees us into flow.

I look forward to the more rapid unfolding of our power, particularly as women (and that which has been occulted of the sacred feminine) are witnessed to become more visible.

Many blissings on your everymoment, and thank you for your presence,



PS If you'd like to listen to the Sacred Pregnancy series, here are the links:



















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