The Sovereignty series - III - Birth

Note: This podcast is not for the faint-hearted or easily-offended: it is an open-eyed, open-hearted, open-spirited look at the Truth of Reality, in Love and in Embodied Living Wisdom.

Beautiful Natural Medicine and Whole Health Enthusiasts!

This is the second in my Sovereignty series, on The Art Of Life podcast; it talk to Birth, and how true Sovereignty (including health sovereignty) comes from birth.

I'm unravelling the discourse around 'birthright', and how our true Right Birth would prevent our being traumatised horrifically, and unable to navigate healthily in the world.

I speak also to what is often missed completely from contemporary discourses around Rights, Sovereignty, health, freedom, liberating ourselves from the system and suchlike - our release of birth trauma in the full, panoramic context of what was stolen from us in our medicalised, hospitalised, registered and surveilled, intruded-upon and interfered-with 'birth'.

Real, natural, Birth is supposed to be a sacred, effortless, expansive transition out of inside our mother's living spirit-full being, and into the world. It is supposed to prepare us for the 3D reality of separation, and all the intensity of feeling which that brings.

Our commodified 'birth' 'process' is more a profound violation of soul, which separates us from our body through trauma, and then leaves us ripe for all the following restrictions, diminishment and - ultimately - our enslavement.

Blessings on All Birth; may All Births be returned to the Sacred Realm of the Divine Feminine, now and forever.

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