Macadamia Nut Oil, History Properties & Benefits You Should Know

The Organic Macadamia Nut Oil comes out of a passionate community of growers in Rosedale, New South Wales harvested of a small grove of 1200 trees and then is cold pressed for maximum preservation and collection of nutrients.

It's a lightweight oil that is well refined to absorb without feeling greasy. It's high in monounsaturated fatty acids (Oleic and Omega 6's & 9's) which are very moisturizing in a way to regenerate the cells of your skin and soften the texture of your skin helping it retain water and moisturizers and other essential oils. The fatty acids are also anti-inflammatory and the Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) helps restore the skins barrier function and reduce water loss. The Macadamia Nut also contains Palmitoleic Acid, Omega 7, as a very effective anti-microbial that is found naturally in the skin. This also helps in the same way to keep your skin looking healthy, natural and beautiful.

Also, Omega 7's in our skin reduce with age which contribute a lot to the appearance of our skins health causing fine lines and wrinkles and weathered skin. The fattier acids like these that we can help into our pours, THE BETTER. It has been proven to slow the signs of aging in both men and woman and has also been used to improve the appearance of scars, sunburn and other minor skin irritations. Better to stay well, protected, so when you go out, you can feel great within and feel replenished and forever young.

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