Wednesday Well-being Club | Report #6 My Fifth Week 🎯

Hello Hive Family,

I hope you’ve been eating well are all in good health. Sometimes we don't have the drive to work towards our goals. Do you have days like these? It's probably because you a busy doing so many things that you have little time for yourself.😊 Well, I hope you won't feel so bad after reading this week's wellness report. Yes, that's right it’s time for another Wednesday Wellness Report.

What is the Wednesday Well-being Club?
According to @shanibeer

The Wednesday Wellbeing Club is for anyone who wants to make some lifestyle changes. It will run every week for fifteen weeks until Wednesday 24 November 2021.I'm aiming to lose 6kg in that time with the intention of improved health benefits and the opportunity to reduce medication. You might have other health goals - being more active, giving up smoking, getting more sleep.Each week, we'll check progress against the Rule of Fives I set out in the launch post. You can write your own post each week, or you can just leave a comment on each week's post about how things are going for you.

My Weekly Targets🎯
My wellness targets cover mental and spiritual, physical, relational and financial wellbeing. More specifically, I’ll be using the Rule of Fives to track the indicators shown in the table which follows.

My Wellbeing Indicators 🎯: Rule of Fives

10 minutes * 7Mind/SpiritDaily reflection, meditation and prayer
1hr * 5Family RelationsDaily time with my children (home work, games etc.)
30 minutes * 3BodyPhysical exercise (modified: -5kg)
2000ml * 5 (achieved)BodyHydration: Daily fluid/water intake excl. intake from food(500ml bottles * 4)
20HPFinanceWeekly Hive related growth target: Start 618HP

Frequency of Reporting
I will be writing ✍️ a report each Wednesday until November 24th, 2021 to monitor and share my weekly progress based on the targets mentioned. This is my sixth report so far but you can find the other five reports by clicking the links below.

Report #1 @bearmol/wednesday-well-being-club-or-report-1-setting-weekly-targets
Report #2 @bearmol/wednesday-well-being-club-or-report-2-my-first-week
Report #3 @bearmol/wednesday-well-being-club-or-report-3-my-second-week
Report #4 @bearmol/wednesday-well-being-club-or-report-4-my-third-week
Report #5


My Week 5 Well-being Report

Target CategoryWeek 5 Action: Wed to TueComments
ReflectionHive blog, 🙏Spent some time praying with the family this week.I recall having family devotions and reflection time on Sunday mornings with my parents and siblings.(Good times) Additionally, I think I made fewer posts this week so my reflection time for blogging was less than previous weeks. That being said, I'm satisfied with the progress made. 20% improvement needed.
Family Relations📚Achieved. This week we had writing and reading homework for Japanese. We also had some math and reading comprehension with some vocabulary.I don't recall doing so much homework when I was a kid.
Physical ExerciseWalking 🚶‍♀️, Stretches, BicycleDid a few stretches two evenings this week and went on the bicycle one evening when it hit me that reporting day is here and I haven't done anything substantial.🤣I'm actually pedalling away while typing this report. As I mentioned in a previous report, I looked at the results of my annual medical checkup and realized that I’ve been gaining just over 1kg each year for the last 2 years.Needs attention.
Lose 4-5kg 🥅excerciseOn that note, last week I wrote that I’d be be replacing my hydration goal with another.So I've made the decision or should I say the decision was made for me when I went on the scale and realized that my weight hasn't budged since my last medical. Since I'm not in the habit of checking my weight I didnt notice the lack of downward movement.So now I'm making a specific goal to lose 5kg.Thanks to you for the suggestions you made last week that helped me to make the final decision.
FinanceStart 618HP-Now 711HP+93HP 98% Achieved. I’m am a little behind (-7HP) my weekly target 🎯 of 20HP but I got some HP from voting and posting over these past five weeks. I also have some HBD 8.64HBD that I'll be converting to hive to eventually power up. I’m grateful to everyone who voted on my posts. Thanks a million.

💦 Be flexible:The road to your destination may not necessarily be a straight line. 💦

Thanks for reading my Wednesday Well-being Report.

Stay connected, stay healthy.
Here is a recent post about a great home cooked meal. Check it out.

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