Planting Seeds

New balcony greenhouse nearing completion so I decided to plant some more seeds.

I began by collecting some soil from one of the garden beds where plants have been growing abundantly. It's composed of probably about 60% mature cow dung and is very fertile. I then sieved most of it in a colandar to get very fine soil.

Putting some bigger soil first into recycled containers with holes in the bottom, then fine soil nearly to top and tamping it down just a little, then seeds, then more fine soil and finally fine spray of 20:1 water/urine.

Containers then placed into another recycled container without holes to catch any drainage water / provide reservoir, and prevent shelves getting wet.

There is only one shelf at front of greenhouse so far, so that's the place.

A friend, Maru, had given me a whole lettuce with roots ready to eat a few months ago, but I just ate a few leaves and replanted it and allowed it to go to seed. This container has these (Maru) seeds :-)

A few weeks back I went for a walk to pick some figs from a tree in a nearby village where a friend lives, but there were none left on the tree. I did find a couple of overripe ones though so took them home to try to grow them. It may be too cold where I live (higher elevation) but we will see.

I also re-potted some mint which had initially been growing well but then started struggling, I'm pretty sure because the initial pot was too small and the soil had too much clay so water could not penetrate. So now, bigger pot, better soil, and for now sitting on balcony outside the greenhouse.

That's all folks, happy Hiveing.

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