Making Activator for MMS


Today the delivery of 16% Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) arrived from Ebay. What i bought is labelled as brick cleaner, but the sole ingredient is 16% Hydrochloric Acid.

The purpose of buying it is to use to activate Sodium Chlorite to produce Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS).

Before using it however it needs to be diluted to a 4‰ solution. i followed the instuctions from this post (muted on @med-hive :-).

First, prepare supplies and instructions for the quantity i am making. Scales

Next, tare the scales tare the scales

Then measure 375 ml of water (i used filtered as i don't have distilled). i measured by volume and weight to be sure. measure water

Add 125 ml of the 16% Hydrochloric acid add the HCL

Pour into glass jars with plastic lidsbottle it

Now test it. i mixed 20 drops of Sodium Chlorite solution with 20 drops of 4% HCL, waited 30 seconds, then check colour (dark yellow - amber). Correct. test

i then added 60 ml of water as i will use this mix for a disinfectant spray, for use in kitchen, bathroom, on the skin etc.

If you would like to learn more about what MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) can be used for, check this post where i wrote about how i am using MMS as part of a protocol to cure scabies,

Also watch this space as i'll be writing about the bath protocol next.

You can also buy (or ask me to help you obtain) the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, link on the afore mentioned post.

Or ask questions below.

Sat Nam

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

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