Healing Jade

You can't help but feel calmed and soothed and healed when you hold a sleek, smooth and heavy piece of jade in your hand.

JadeBall 2.jpgImage credit.

For millennia, jade has been prized as a symbol of longevity, prosperity and peace.

A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Source.

Living here in Asia, Jade is prized in temples, for amulets and given as a token of prosperity for house blessings and as a wedding gift.

In the commercial business of spiritual healing, jade is big business for amulets, bracelets, feng shui items, pendula, so-called sacred jewelry, Buddha & Kuan Yin images and all manner of zodiac charms, crystal balls and yoni eggs.

Perhaps the most famous Jade item ever is the Jade Buddha For Universal Peace - is is the largest known jade item ever created.


Crafted here in Thailand, not far from my home, from a HUGE piece of Canadian jade, it was made in 2006-2008 and has been touring the world to promote Buddhism, harmony and world peace.

Jade is incredible. Healing & transformational, bringing beautiful energy, no? Only if you close down your mind and your heart to the stories it has to tell.

Today, Thursday July 2nd, 2020, at least 113 people have been killed in yet another landslide at the jade mines in Myanmar - it is already being described as one of the worst jade mining "accidents" ever. Myanmar (Burma) produces 90% of the world's jade in what is estimated to be a 30+ Billion USD business each year - more than half of Myanmar's GDP.


Please note the terrible environmental destruction depicted in this image of today's "rescue" effort - jade may be calming or healing for us, but Mother Earth is certainly not feeling it as the prized commodity is torn from her Being.

Jade mining has long been connected with slavery, the heroin trade and people trafficking. If you USE or OWN something jade, please invest 6 minutes in watching the short video in the link which follows to understand the true energy of what you are holding in your hand.

Channel News Asia: Blood Jade - The Dark Side of Myanmar's Trade With China

Fatal landslides in the area are common, and the victims are often from impoverished ethnic communities that are looking for scraps left behind by big firms. Watchdog Global Witness estimated that the industry was worth some $31 billion in 2014, although very little reaches state coffers. Northern Myanmar's abundant natural resources, including jade, timber, gold and amber, help finance both sides of a decades-long civil war between ethnic Kachin insurgents and the military. The fight to control the mines and the revenues they bring frequently traps local civilians in the middle. Source.

I'm guessing this story didn't make global news headlines today.

In a self-absorbed world where everything is about what healing energies things give to us, we NEED to stop and ask about the other healing energies in the equation.

  • Was Mother Earth healed in the process of the jade mining?
  • Were the workers healed?
  • Are the families of the killed workers being healed?

I felt such a sense of outrage today, since after I read this story online, socila media while I work has been using its algorithms and serving up targeted ads to me. For healing stones and trinkets. Jade in particular.

I no longer buy crystals for healing at all, despite believing they have incredible powers. I believe they were placed in Mother Earth for HER healing and power. Many of my crystals have been donated to the Crystal Healing Cave here in San Kamphaeng, Thailand (another post for another day) and the remaining few I have kept are always in contact with the soil and I use them for plant healing.

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Our true healing comes when we KNOW we are one with the Crystal Energy and its healing vibration without needing to own it or hold it in our hand, and without destroying Mother Earth in the name of so-called healing energy. We are liberated when we understand that the greatest healing power Jade has for us is deep inside Mother Earth, where it belongs. We can reach and channel it anytime with our Eternal Disembodied Selves.

"Reading the labels" needs to extend beyond the kitchen.

EDIT: as at 4th July, 2020, the death toll had risen to 172. Mass burial for scores killed in jade mine disaster.

All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.

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