Ideal plants to make incense and activate energy


Magic is destined to find those who believe in it

Greetings ✌ my dear hivers, how are you doing? I hope you are having a wonderful week, well with the recent arrival of this new year I think we all want the best vibes and energy to be in our home, especially considering that for two years our homes have become ours work, our gym, and our place of being in general. Now, for me there is no better thing to do to fill the home with good energy than to smoke our home.

Performing the incense once a week always helps to mobilize energies, calm the mind, and leave a relaxing aroma for all of us, my favorite plant mixtures for this are the following:

rosemary, eucalyptus and tangerine shell incense.

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Rosemary is excellent to purify energy at any time, it is an excellent idea to mix them with eucalyptus that refreshes the environment, helps to control energies, and mandarin is always considered for its smell, its color, as the favorite tool for attract prosperity and fortune.

Lavender, pine and sage incense

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Sage is fantastic for being able to cleanse the evil energies from the environment, lavender for its part brings good luck and leaves a pleasant smell throughout the home, pine on the other hand is good for refreshing the environment and enhances health, it also improves the immune system.

Eucalyptus, flowers and moss


Moss is good for purifying the environment and flowers help to have a loving, prosperous and happy environment at home, eucalyptus helps a lot to calm down, keep a clear mind and think positively.

These are the three powerful incense that I use to smoke my home, I try to do it once a week, any of the three is good for the home. Smoking the home helps to mobilize the energies of the home, because incense works directly with the air element and air is movement, transformation, flexible, so smoking always helps to renew the energies, which is necessary because it helps us not to stagnate at one point.

Well, here is my post for today, if you want to buy the plants for the incense sticks you can follow me on instagram and you can find them there, I hope that it has been your pleasure, I want to thank as always @naturalmedicine for their support since I started in the platform and invite them if they like to follow me on my social networks that I will be leaving them below! Thank you all! ✌✌💞






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