Nobody Taught Me how to Organize my Life!

Alright, obviously I'm an artist now.
Things are getting serious around here ^^
It seems like I finally have a job again! If you can call it that, it really doesn't feel like any other job I ever had.


In every other job or when I went to school, my days and weeks and years were always scheduled by someone else. My employer set my working hours, the school system told me when to go on holiday. Everything was already decided, I didn't have to think about it, which could have made it a very relaxing lifestyle ^^

But it never really felt right this way. I could never really get used to living like that, I just wasn't happy.

My life now looks very different.
I quit my job in the beginning of last year, to move into a van, leave the country, and find out how it works to live a life that makes me happy, that feels more free.

And I found it! It's not all perfect and easy, but I couldn't be happier, because now I feel I'm finally on the right path, my path!

Life seems to be about learning, and now I'm finally learning things that I really want to learn!
Which leads me to the topic I originally wanted to write about:

Right now I'm learning how to organize myself.
And it's not that easy, because nobody taught me!

But it's okay, I'm welcoming this new challenge and opportunity to grow :)

I'm beginning to have more and more projects that I'm working on or want to work on in the future.


There's my blog on Hive of course, which is very important to me.
And I'm actually about to start a new blog project for the artist collective I'm part of :)
Then my art and everything that comes with it, always experimenting and learning and creating.
Some collaborations with other artists. Collaborations are always fun and exciting!

And there is also the worldly stuff that needs my attention. The most urgent one is probably the garden. It's getting quite wild at the moment, and it's hard to keep up with it ^^ It's also a learning project, for I've never had a garden before!

It's all very very fun stuff, that I really love doing, but I still feel a bit stressed from time to time, or worried that I'm not doing enough.

It's all a matter of organization, I guess.
So I got myself a notebook! And right now I'm practicing how to properly write To-Do-Lists ^^

I try to figure out how much structure I need to manage all the things I want to do, while at the same time giving myself enough freedom to be creative and able to care for myself.

It already helps to just write down all the project, to get them out of my head and have them all in one place. Then I can check the list every day and decide what I want to do. (Also I'm not at the risk of forgetting something^^)
Luckily I don't have many fixed dates to finish something, it's on me to prioritize my projects.

Although I'm still not that good at it, it feels so much better to be able to organize my life for myself, rather than live by a schedule made by other people.
I'm very grateful for that opportunity and I'm sure I can figure out a good management for myself somehow.


Art-Portfolio on Creary:
Gallery on NFT-Showroom:
Life of Mo Series:
Gallery on OpenSea:
Gallery on HicEtNunc:


all images by me

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