4 Natural Herbal Teas but first my unrelated strange dream.

She appears every so often. I never stopped dreaming about her. It has nothing to do with actual love I don't think. She always appears and shows me something. Never speaks to me. She's always there when I need her most, or at least in "dream" she is there.

In the Dream: Last night, I was walking around along side the road along the road where I used to live when I was a kid. I was confronted by workers working on electrical along side that same ditch. They were asking me to make sure about something I could not make out, but I ended up giving a lecture on what to touch, what not to touch, what happens if thy touch this way or that way etc. I remember seeing an electrical post. (I am not even working and I am dreaming about work)

Well out she comes and I just drop everything I do and she takes my hand and we start walking away. Leading me to I do not know. In front I see the woods. I tell her I don't like it there, she grabs my hand like a lover would and we continue walking into the woods. I wake up.

In part, I remember paying extra attention the hands that were close to me. Not all of which I wanted around me or close to me. I remember while I was at the ditch, others kept wanting to stick their hands in the electrical service box without even knowing what could kill them or just give a certain shock. It's so easy to die. Just one touch of this line and touch this line at the same time and boom, you are on the ground forever.

I felt Irritated actually having to explain to the workers to not touch something they do not understand. Best ask before anything. "There is no such thing as a stupid question except the ones that are not asked." I remember one saying a long time ago. I differ on that but it has a point. I was happy they asked before something bad happened(in the dream).

I do not know why she never speaks to me in the dream. We don't even talk in this reality either. I have tried to contact her many times. Gone over to her house a few times and nothing but her mother, brother and sister are there. She is always not there. I have left my info and nothing.

I guess I just miss what I used to have when we were kids. A friend I can speak my mind to. It is what it is now. So many years have passed after our parents started to move further apart. The distance did not help. The heart ache grew of not being able to see my cousin again. So in my part, I retracted.

I fell into a reclusive mode inside a solitary shell. Being bullied by everyone except her. She always treated me nice. I respect that.

(If you ever read this my love do come and visit soon. I don't have much time in this world as I would love to. Stop being a stranger. With love, your forgotten childhood friend.)

We even used to play with her dolls. My early childhood memories are mostly filled with bad moments, but when there was good moments, she was there for me. Whether or not she knew I was getting mistreated, she was there. Now she ain't. I do not even know where she is anymore. I just enjoy having her visit in dream at the least. So, thank you for at least that. Even though it is just in my mind.


I AM SICK. A couple of weeks ago I just got over some stomach flu. Now I have a cough, slight soar throat, runny nose and congestion. I am taking some herbal medicine. I do not take artificial meds.

The herbs that I am taking to counter the symptoms of this virus are as follows:

Zornia diphylla or by its common spanish name "Hierba de Vibora"

Hierba De Vibora

The main uses include the following: to lower fevers (antipyretic), for gastrointestinal complaints, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, against coughs and colds, to relieve menstrual pain and treat stomach ulcers (Mendoza-Castelán and Lugo-Pérez, 2011; Rojas et al., 1999).

The Royal Honey

Yerbaniz or Mexican Marigold

It is a popular medicinal plant in the Mexican culture. The entire plant is used to heal colic, stomachaches and nausea. It is commonly used today as a tea, made from flower petals, to treat diarrhea, gas and the common cold.

Up close it looks really beautiful in the picture, but in reality the flowers are about as small as a nickel at most.

Hierba Anis

The Royal Honey

Next but not last is "Gordolobo" or Mullein Flower.

It is another very popular herb used for colds, especially useful for expelling mucus.

A great way to take this is with lime, natural honey and you may even combine it with eucalyptus leaves. Though I am not sure on the combinations of such things. I have been mixing it with just the above already mentioned and the next one I am about to give.

Lastly to sleep more well at night is "Manzanilla"

I can not think of any other better use for manzanilla except for the sleeping properties. Although some beg to differ. I have tried this on its own and it has helped me. But that is from my own personal experience. Please check out the royal honey and do some more research on your own account for more facts and to answer any other questions you may have.


Preparation for each is the same essentially.
First you boil some water then add your herbs after. Turn off the stove before adding the herbs. Let the herbs sit in the water pot for 3 minutes then presto. Bottoms up. Would not hurt to add lime and add real natural honey to the mix especially if it is a dry cough.

I am not going to make any claims as to whether or not it is good for "la maldita military manufactured covid" but the above mentioned herbs do counter attack the symptoms related to that maldita fallacy.

Where I live the indigenous folk come door to door and sell these herbs that they grow themselves. It is how they make a living apart from begging in the streets and such. When and if I ever get a camera I will take some more pictures of these people doing what they do best. You can also get them from a local herb store. If you live in the US look for the "mexican stores" trust me there is one there. You just haven't looked hard enough. jeje.

Cheers. I hope this helps those in search of alternative natural medicines. Do note I am no expert. I just do my own research and over the coarse of my life, I give no trust to artificial pharmaceutical medicines. It is just my lifestyle. I rather die than go to the hospital. So if you ever find me dying on the street and you want to help, then help but do not send me to IMSS, thats where people die. 😜

Yayo, Gerardo

PS: Sorry if I sound a bit negative in the beginning. This sickness gets to my head sometimes. Time for some more herbal tea and more surfing this blog network. See you on the battlefields.

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