Lubitel 2 and Bilora Bella 66 both with Ilford XP2 Super 400 film


This is a deliberate double exposure and I never ever imagined that it could be this good. I actually really, really, really like it! If you can't figure out what this is, it's two trams. First one going one way and then I turned almost 180 degrees, waited and took a second photo of the next tram that came to the platform. Genius I am! (occasional one)

This time I'll show you two cameras and the photos I've taken with them. The first film roll. Two cameras mainly because I have shots from last year and I either forgot to post or have postponed writing about them because there has been more interesting cameras to write about and better photos taken with more recent cameras. So now I can "hide" the not so good photos after the better ones.

But also because there's not much to tell about the cameras because they were in a relatively good condition and even if there's some small issue, I'll photograph the first roll so that I can see if it's worth fixing. Or in my case, worth trying to fix it. And I think it would be pretty unimportant for me to list the cameras features since there are plenty of info available and I can just throw you link. A lazy person I am.


Lubitel (cyrillic: Любитель) means "amateur" in Russian. The Lubitel 2 was made in great numbers by the Leningrad GOMZ (later LOMO) factory. More than two million were produced between 1954 and 1980.



This required only wiping and little cleaning, my favourite thing to do with alcohol. (Nowadays as I'm old.) I could always do something about the scratches in the lens cap, which seem deliberate, but I don't know, old cameras are suspicious if they are in pristine condition. Few scratches here and there give character. Battle wounds.


Incredibly clear view finder.


I was afraid that the back lid would pop open easily on it's own but it never did that when I was photographing. Of course it helps that there's a specially designed camera case for it and I mostly had the camera on it's case.


Ready to go!

As usual I've done nothing to the photos. Few of them might be better if post-processed but as I want to show you what kind of results does this camera and this film give in different conditions, I've left them as they are and I'll show you the photos with all of mine and the cameras flaws in the pictures.


Double exposure. Same scenery but a person passing the camera close by (the huge shape) so I decided to take another photo pf the same exact scenery. At first I didn't like the result but now I'm warming up to it.


Photo on left: accidental double exposure of the same scenery. After you've winded the shutter winding lever, the shutter release leaver is so close to the winding leaver that it's incredibly easy to take accidental photos.

What did we learn? Do not cock too early. Fiddling with it may result in unwanted early release.

Photo on the right: same scenery, just me on the other side of the road.


If I remember correctly, 2 second timing. "I do not need a stand" attitude. The camera was on my knee.


Guess which one is taken with Lubitel 2 and which one with my smartphone.

This could also be before and after photos.

"Before we got rid of our neighbor the whole apartment building was weary and tilted weirdly. Now living here is again normal and sun is shining every day!


You gotta have one tram shot.


Or two... three... five...

What did all this cost me?
Lubitel 2: 30€
Ilford XP2 Super 400: 9,90€
Film developing: 12,90€
Film scanning to TIFF: 20€

Time for the other camera. Bilora Bella 66! My previous Bella is not as bakelity as this one. I think this is the standard version, although there's no indicating text. Anyway, wouldn't call it a beauty. A bella.


Two aperture options, three shutter speeds to choose from and distance. That's about it.

Except this individual has only two speeds to choose from because the shutter stays open in the 1/50 setting so it's like the B setting.

But I didn't want to use that anyway.


I cleaned this earlier and went to visit my friend to Turku. Except my friend was sick so I got to spent the whole day photographing. I bought film for the camera from the local shop and loaded in a cafeteria where I had my lunch and coffee & cake/pie.


I'm amazed that I didn't manage to load the camera with coffee or pie crumbles. I bet though that coffee and pie on the film would make a lovely effect.


Look how eager it is to get to work! (By it I mean the camera.)


Spot the photo taken with Bella 66.

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That place that says Leipomo Konditoria Kahvila Myymälä was my lunch place.

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An old abandoned MOJO building that once had a bar in it is the last photo of Turku. The day was gray and 1/100 speed did not get me that far. This by the looks of it, was taken with the B setting, I guess 1 second or something like that. No stand, how else.

Back to Tampere.

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And trams, trams, trams it is!

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I think this might be the best photo. The best tram photo at least. Adequately sharp too.

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Or perhaps the best photo of the Bella 66 batch is this? Thou the reflection lady with the stroller isn't so dominant in the photo as I thought it could be.

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Perhaps the best photo is this one. This is taken through a terrace glass that has lots of raindrops in it. Kinda cool.

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Then again I think this is the one. The best photo. Not a traditional tram photo but a torso inside an art gallery and reflection of trees and buildings. At first I though that this is a double exposure but that's not possible with the Bella 66.

Yes. This is the best one of the Bilora Bella 66 batch. Best of the worst as I tend to repeat every single time.

What did all this cost me?
Bilora Bella 66: nothing, a gift
Ilford XP2 Super 400: 9,90€
Film developing: 12,90€
Film scanning to TIFF: 20€


Here's a sneak peek. Zenit in really good condition. Now I just have to find a lens to it.

Film cameras
Balda-Bünde Baldixette 1
Bilora Bella 66 1
Closter C63 1
Cosina Flash 35E 1, 2, 3, 4
Dacora Daci 1
Felica 1, 2, 3, 4
Halina Paulette EE II 1
Kodak Box 620 1, 2
Kodak Brownie Six-20 Model C 1
Voigtländer Bessa 66 1
Yashica 44 LM 1
ZIAG Colora F 1, 2

Films (b&w)
Adox CMS 20 II Pro 1, Adox HR-50 1, Adox CHS 100 II 1, Fomapan 100 1, Fomapan 400 1, 2, Ilford PanF Plus 50 1, Ilford Delta 100 1, Ilford Delta 400 1, Ilford Delta 3200 1, Lomography Fantôme 8 1, Retropan soft 320 1, Rollei Retro 400S 1, Rollei RPX 400 1

Films (color)
Fujifilm 200 1, Kodak Gold 200 color 1, 2, 3

Digital cameras
Sony A6400, 16-50mm 1
Sony A6400, Laowa 25mm f2.8 1
Comparison: Sony A6400, Canon EOS 550D, Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P32, Canon PowerShot A550 1, 2

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