[Esp-Ing] Hive Music Festival week #85 🎷 Round 1 🎷 CREO EN MI/ NATALIA JIMENEZ 🎷cover by @edgards


saludos y bendiciones para todos mis amigos y artistas que participan en este festival de musica HIVEMUSISCFESTIVAL #HNF esta es la semana 85 ronda 1, para los que no me conocen me llamo Edgardo Rodriguez, soy musico saxofonista y estudiante de trompeta y mi usuario hive es @edgardsaxo de Venezuela, lo prometido es deuda señores, la semana pasada en mi post anterior les comente que volveria a la comunidad y aqui estoy una vez mas ante ustedes para compartir la musica en la web3.

greetings and blessings to all my friends and artists participating in this music festival HIVEMUSISCFESTIVAL #HNF this is week 85 round 1, for those who do not know me my name is Edgardo Rodriguez, I am a saxophonist musician and trumpet student and my hive user is @edgardsaxo from Venezuela, what is promised is debt gentlemen, last week in my previous post I told you that I would return to the community and here I am once again before you to share music on the web3.

no sabia con que cancion iniciar esta primera ronda y mi hija mayor Hillary me pido que porfavor que le hiciera un tema que ella le gusta mucho y casi todos los dia lo canta, tal vez por eso se me facilito un poco sacar este tema moderno titulado "Creo en mi" de Natalia Jimenez, comienza con tonos graves y un acompañamiento suave para luego hacer como un explosion el tema llega al climax acompañado por una letra motivadora, a mi me gusta mas las baladas, boleros, temas clasicos y el jazz; pero eso no quiere decir que no pueda ejecutar otro tipo de generos, la verdad es que despues de escuchar es un tema y detallarlo me doy cuenta que es agradable, que inspira y lo pienso incluir en mi repertorio musical, desde hace algunos años he ido renovando el repertorio para complacer a mi publico y clientes, tego temas de karol g, camilo, ed sheeran, lady gaga, guarachas, salsa de todo un poco, siempre estoy en busca de temas agradables al publico y complacer a todos los presentes en un eventos.

I didn't know what song to start this first round and my oldest daughter Hillary asked me to please make her a song that she likes a lot and almost every day she sings it, maybe that's why it was a little easier for me to get this modern song called “Creo en mi” by Natalia Jimenez, it starts with low tones and a soft accompaniment and then makes like an explosion the song reaches the climax accompanied by a motivational lyric, I like ballads, boleros, classical themes and jazz, but that doesn't mean I can't play other genres, the truth is that after listening to this song and detailing it I realize it's nice, it's inspiring and I plan to include it in my musical repertoire; but that does not mean that I can not perform other types of genres, the truth is that after listening to a theme and detail it I realize that it is nice, that inspires and I plan to include it in my musical repertoire, for some years I have been renewing the repertoire to please my audience and customers, I have themes of karol g, camilo, ed sheeran, lady gaga, guarachas, salsa a little of everything, I am always looking for themes pleasing to the public and please everyone present at an event.

Por cierto el Sr. Hades este gato negro es la mascota de la casa y estaba muy comodo durmiendo en la sesion de fotos, durmio antes, durantes y despues de la grabacion de este video que le presento el dia de hoy.

By the way Mr. Hades this black cat is the mascot of the house and was very comfortable sleeping in the photo shoot, he slept before, during and after the recording of this video that I present to you today.

para la proxima ronda tal vez les presente un tema italiano ya que ahorita estoy trabajando en este repertorio para una contratacion que tengo como saxo solista para la proxima semana en el club "Casa Italia Maracay" queda ubicado en el estado Aragua Venezuela, tengo varios temas italianos con mucha alegria, escogeré el mas genial para ustedes y lo disfruten la proxima semana.

for the next round maybe I will present you an Italian theme because now I am working on this repertoire for a contract I have as a sax soloist for next week in the club “Casa Italia Maracay” is located in the state of Aragua Venezuela, I have several Italian themes with a lot of joy, I will choose the coolest for you and enjoy it next week.



cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

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