Hive Music Festival / Week 96 / Round 3 / "Snuff" by Corey Taylor (cover) (Spa/Eng)

Sorry for the delay, i was trying to upload this video since yesterday but my internet was too slow.


Hola amigos, esta vez vengo con una de mis canciones favoritas, de la mano de Corey Taylor, vocalista de Slipknot les traigo mi cover de la canción "Snuff". A mi parecer, "Snuff" era la forma única que tenía Corey de expresar el dolor y la rabia que sentía en su interior. A diferencia de la mayoría de los trabajos anteriores de Slipknot, se oye a un Corey más moroso e introspectivo, en lugar de simplemente enfadado. Se culpa a sí mismo del fracaso matrimonial o de una relacion importante y le pide que le deje pronto para arrancarse la tirita de la ruptura, y es que todos hemos estado en una situación similar, todos nos hemos enamorado de quien no debíamos y lo disfrutábamos aunque sabíamos que más pronto que tarde tendría que acabar. La primera vez que escuché esta canción fue hace aproximadamente 6 meses, hasta ese momento pensaba que Slipknot era solo un metal ruidoso y violento, pero me topé con esta joyita, una canción que me tocó el corazón de una forma especial, estaba pasando por un muy mal momento, en medio de una depresión que llevaba meses andando de la que no pensé que pudiera salir, los versos de esta cancion me hicieron llorar mas de una vez al escucharla, creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en decir que nos pone dentro de la piel de Taylor, sintiendo su dolor, su angustia y su corazón roto. Mi parte favorita de la canción es sin duda el Outro, los últimos versos en los que creo que sin duda el cantante dio lo mejor de sí mismo, abrió su pecho y escribió con sangre lo que no podía decir con sus palabras, lamentablemente no tengo la voz necesaria para hacerle justicia a una canción como esta, pero de verdad espero que mi versión sea de vuestro agrado. Un abrazo enorme para todo el que lea esto completo.


Hello friends, this time I come with one of my favorite songs, from the hand of Corey Taylor, vocalist of Slipknot, I bring you my cover of the song "Snuff". In my opinion, "Snuff" was Corey's unique way of expressing the pain and rage he felt inside of him. Unlike most of Slipknot's previous work, Corey is heard as more morose and introspective, rather than simply angry. He blames himself for the failure of his marriage or an important relationship and asks her to leave him soon to rip off the band-aid of the breakup, and we have all been in a similar situation, we have all fallen in love with someone we shouldn't have and we enjoyed it. although we knew that sooner rather than later it would have to end. The first time I heard this song was about 6 months ago, until then I thought that Slipknot was just loud and violent metal, but I came across this gem, a song that touched my heart in a special way, I was going through a very bad moment, in the middle of a depression that had been going on for months from which I did not think I could get out of, the verses of this song made me cry more than once when listening to it, I think we all agree in saying that it puts us inside Taylor's skin, feeling her pain, her anguish and her broken heart. My favorite part of the song is without a doubt the Outro, the last verses in which I think that without a doubt the singer gave his best, he opened his chest and wrote in blood what he could not say with his words, unfortunately I do not have the voice necessary to do justice to a song like this, but I really hope that my version is to your liking. A huge hug to everyone who reads this in full.


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