Hive Music Festival Week #89 - Round 2 | In connection with VibesWeb3 theme - MI AMOR guitar groovy


Que tal mis querid@s panas de #MusicZone. Donde sea que se encuentren, haciendo lo que sea que estén haciendo...espero que estén muy bién. Esta es mi entrada para el #HiveMusicFestival en su Semana 89 - Ronda 2 y quisiera hacerlo de una fora muy peculiar. Verán, esto es una pequeña sorpresa. Creo que todos lo que participamos en esta coomunidad también conocemos el #VibesWeb3, y sabemos que esta semana hubo un tema acerca de la discografía del artista DJ/productor Sam Feldt. No puse mi atención en el tema ya que estaba enfocado en otra versión en la que venía trabajando desde días atrá cual incluso ni siquiera pude llevar a cabo porque se me había partido la cuerda de la guitarra y la cual de hecho aún no he podido reponer y evidentemente esta versión de guitarra también la he hecho sin esa cuerda...y entonces termine haciendo otra versión, pero ese es otro cuento. Lo que quiero contarles es que empece a ver entradas maravillosas y geniales de otros compañeros con ideas muy creativas y con muestra de una gran destreza en talento, y me sorprendio muchisimo esa magia...Así al fin entendí que se trataba de hacerle un arreglo a alguna de las canciones de la nueva discografía de Sam Feldt....y una de las canciones que mas he escuchado y la he escuchado tanto que ahora me gusta fue esta; MI AMOR. Y me gustó tanto que me dieron ganas de hacerle mis propios de guitarra...así que bueno sin mas, aquí les muestro este humilde trabajo que he hecho hoy. Los arreglos los produje la noche de ayer y los estuve practicando así que hoy los grabé de una vez. Y como siempre el Adobe Audition ayudandome con la magia en la potenciacion y efectos de la guitarra. Y bueno nada, espero les guste panas un saludo a esos brothers que participan en el #JammingZone, esta participación tambíén podría aplicarse allí...ya que no he tenido mucho tiempo para interactuar en #Hive, pero pronto me activo. Un fuerte abrazo

Por cierto quiero darle las gracias a esos panas que me comentaron en mi última publicación, talvez no vean esta publicación pero igual quiero que sepan que estoy muy agradecido con sus apreciaciones, pura gente bella y talentosa. No los quiero etiquetar para que no piensen que los quiero obligar a ver mi video jajajajj pero gracias gracias y gracias mis muchach@s. Aunque sí quisiera obligar un par de minutos a @verbal-d a escuchar esto..Muchas gracias por tu apoyo siempre y tu gran trabajo en la comunidad mi lord, saludos y un fuerte abrazo.

How about my dear friends from #MusicZone. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing...I hope you are doing well. This is my entry for the #HiveMusicFestival in its Week 89 - Round 2 and I would like to do it in a very peculiar way. You see, this is a little surprise. I think all of us who participate in this community also know about #VibesWeb3, and we know that this week there was a topic about the discography of the artist DJ/producer Sam Feldt. I didn't pay my attention to the topic since I was focused on another version that I had been working on for days... which I couldn't even carry out because the guitar string had broken and which in fact still I have not been able to replace it and obviously I have also made this guitar version without that string...and then I ended up making another version, but that is another story. What I want to tell you is that I started to see wonderful and great entries from other colleagues with very creative ideas and with a display of great skill in talent, and I was very surprised by that magic...So I finally understood that it was about making an arrangement to some of the songs from Sam Feldt's new discography....and one of the songs that I have listened to the most and I have listened to it so much that now I like it was this one; MY LOVE. And I liked it so much that it made me want to make my own, without further ado, here I show you this humble work that I have done today. I produced the arrangements last night and I was practicing them so today I recorded them in one go. And as always, Adobe Audition helping me with the magic of guitar enhancement and effects. And well, nothing, I hope you like it, greetings to those brothers who participate in the #JammingZone, this participation could also apply there... since I haven't had much time to interact in #Hive, but I'll be active soon. a big hug

By the way, I want to thank those guys who commented on my last post, maybe you don't see this post but I still want you to know that I am very grateful for your appreciation, pure beautiful and talented people. I don't want to tag them so they don't think that I want to force them to watch my video hahaha but thank you thank you and thank you my girls. Although I would like to force @verbal-d to listen to this for a couple of minutes... Thank you very much for your always support and your great work in the community my lord, greetings and a big hug.

NO EDIT video


Original + Letra/Lyrics

Maybe I'm naive
To think my future's somewhere in the room, like
Maybe I'm naive, oh, yeah (Yeah)
Maybe I sound dumb
To say that you could be the one for me, like
Maybe I'm naive, oh, yeah (Yeah)

You got me going like: Woah, oh, oh
Got me singing like: Yah, yah, yah
Yeah, I was really, real low
Till I found you

'Cause I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking fo mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking for someone to love for the rest of my life
Yeah, I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor

Yeah, I've been looking for
Yeah, I've been looking for someone to love for the rest of my life
Yeah, I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking for

Un amor como el mío
Entró a tu corazón y llenó ese vacío (Ah-ah)
En tu vida ya no habrá soledad (Soledad)
Si yo estaré contigo toda la eternidad
A tu lado viendo el amanecer (Eh-eh)
Tus besos saben a miel y si te toco (Eh)
Baby, yo te pongo bien loco

You got me going like: Woah, oh, oh
Got me singing like: Yah, yah, yah
Yeah, I was really, real low
Till I found you

'Cause I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking fo mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking for someone to love for the rest of my life
Yeah, I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor

Yeah, I've been looking for
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Yeah, I've been looking for someone to love for the rest of my life
Yeah, I've been looking for mi a—, mi a—, mi a—, mi amor
Yeah, I've been looking for





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