Do you want to be mentioned in my Euro Jackpot Lottery contest?

Do you want to be mentioned in my Euro Jackpot Lottery contest?

Hi lovely Euro Jackpot Lottery contest participants

First of all, I would like to offer my apologies for the mention in this poll.
But that's exactly what the poll is about ... do you want to be mentioned in my post so that the chance you miss it is a little bit smaller?

Source: Polina Kovaleva von Pexels

I'll mention as many participants as possible from the last weeks in this poll so that we can find out.

And don't worry if you make up your mind later ... you can always opt in or opt out by telling me in the comments of the contest.

Thanks for participating in this poll and


@ace108, @alovely, @amaari, @bitandi, @blockchainleo, @bluerobo, @brittandjosie, @btcsam, @chrisparis, @ciderjunkie, @coolkris, @daniella619, @danielvictor347, @ddn688, @detlev, @diebitch, @dswigle, @eimy7, @erikklok, @frugalgamer, @hans001, @izicoins, @josueprime, @kryptodenno, @lammbock, @maxwellmarcusart, @merit.ahama, @monsterbuster, @nathen007, @old-guy-photos, @omra-sky, @photobook, @princessj190, @salomijale, @samostically, @sifondeseltz, @siphon, @takowi, @tamdike, @usmanii, @vanidike, @vbnm21, @wesphilbin, @xchng, @youngelder


  • Yes, I want to be mentioned in your weekly contest

  • No, I don't want to be mentioned in your weekly contest

  • I don't care as long as I can win HSBI (would be counted as a "yes - mention me")

Answer the question at

Do you want to be mentioned in my Euro Jackpot Lottery contest?
You may select 1 choices
Yes, I want to be mentioned in your weekly contest
No, I don't want to be mentioned in your weekly contest
I don't care as long as I can win HSBI (would be counted as a "yes - mention me")
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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