SeaPhotography Contest - "THEME FREE THIS WEEK !!!" - Round #179

Hello sea friends, here I am again with my new entry for SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST – "THEME FREE THIS WEEK !!!", week 179, enjoy it ;-D


Matteo worked as a steward for an airline company and was always traveling. At the beginning he loved that life, the sense of freedom, traveling the world while seeing very little, always sleeping in different hotels and often with different women. But now, after 20 years of that work, he was tired and the only thing he wanted was to enjoy the peace of his little southern town, where the people were as wonderful as his sea.

Matteo lavorava come steward per una compagnia aerea ed era sempre in viaggio. All'inizio amava quella vita, quel senso di libertà, girare il mondo pur vedendo ben poco, dormire sempre in alberghi diversi e spesso con donne diverse. Ma adesso, dopo 20 anni di quel lavoro, era stanco e l'unica cosa che desiderava era godersi la pace del suo piccolo paese del sud, dove la gente era meravigliosa tanto quanto il suo mare.

If you like you can enjoy the contest by @marc-allaria here:
The photo is of the author.

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