SeaPhotography Contest - SEA and SEASCAPES - Round #177

Hello sea friends, here I am again with round 177 of SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST – SEA and SEASCAPES, hope you like it :-)))


"Panta rei" used to say an ancient philosopher, meaning that everything flows like a river, that change is the very essence of life, that time will take everything away, including pain. But since losing his wife, Andres saw no change in his closed soul, as if the water was stagnating in a muddy swamp.

“Panta rei” affermava un antico filosofo, a significare che tutto scorre come un fiume, che il cambiamento è l'essenza stessa della vita, che il tempo porterà via tutto, dolori compresi. Ma da quando aveva perso sua moglie, Andres non vedeva nessun cambiamento nella sua anima chiusa, come se l'acqua stesse stagnando in una palude fangosa.

If you like you can enjoy the contest by @marc-allaria here:

The photo is of the author.

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