The true magic of photography...

This particular day was ended with a hunt, not a traditional hunt for antelope or other forms of sustenance, it was a hunt for the setting sun. A race to find the perfect place to bid Helios fare well, to see him safely away until the next day. For those not knowing, Helios, a Greek mythological figure, father to Apollo, Olympian and god of the sun, pulled the sun across the sky and past the horizon on his chariot to begin and end each day, his son, Apollo did the same when he took to his own chariot.


As I said, we went hunting. From where we live the sunsets are spectacular, one can however not get a full view, hence the hunt. We decided to drive out of town looking for a place that would grant us full view of the magical works of a god. Much to our dismay the sky was already dark when we took to the road, we resolutely kept driving, an entire 2 minutes and not many kilometers out of town, past the first bend and over the first hill we were greeted by the most picturesque painting of a sunset we have ever seen.


The distant mountains seemed as if someone had drawn them in pastels, the clouds were wisps of fiery cotton candy smoldering overhead and into the distant horizon. Everything else seemed muted, hazed and unreal in comparison to the brilliant and emotive display of artistry that Helios has put forth.


We were met with grand success, our efforts paid for in full.
The sense of gratitude and appreciation were nearly overwhelming, I got to share this mighty display with 3 of the goddesses in my life. My daughter, my wife and my mother..
I also managed to get all 3 of them in one photo without 1 of them realizing.


Therein lies the true magic of photography... capturing moments, magical memories and sharing it.
Thank you for taking the time to share in this magical moment with me.


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