Why ListNerds is the Greenest "Mailer" around


There's lots of posts floating around about ListNerds largely focused on the crypto side or the referral side. I do some marketing and there's another significant difference between ListNerds and other mailers. Per the screenshot above I got some voting to do.

ListNerds is a "Green" Mailer.

That's right. Mic drop.

By design it's now a green machine. Here's why.

I work for a tech software company and I often write documentation for my crew on processes or how something works technically. When I was looking at my ListNerds results, I decided to check and see how the emails looked to me in my email inbox. There aren't any.

Unlike other mailers where I have special folders that I have to filter my emails to, ListNerds isn't spamming me with email from other members into my Gmail inbox. That's wonderful!

I checked. Twice.

It's a beautiful walled garden

This is a league of folks who all agree to login and read messages from each other to each other.

That means that there's only the storage of the bits once on the ListNerds backend database or storage and not on tons of gmail accounts, other cloud providers and exchange servers. On the cloud services, emails can clog up your storage. Why do this if you can avoid it?

This type of platform by nature of the industry is also comprised largely of marketers who use multiple platforms to get their message out..

Don't forget the cost of transmitting emails

On a traditional email-based mailer there's also the cost of the electricity it takes for the bits that make up the email to fly out to ALL the recipients's inbox storage systems. That's for everyone on a traditional mailer, whether each recipient reads the email or not.

Whether the recipient reads the email OR NOT.

It still got sent, and as miniscule as you think it is, its not free. Multiply that by a 25K membership, and you can see that this starts to scale, especially on active platforms, like ListNerds.

It still took electricity to transmit the email to your unread items folder in the cloud. That's non-trivial in cost. Take a look at this screenshot of where I filter emails from other mailers into folders.


The ListNerds Difference

On Listnerds, the transmission cost of a email\message is the cost of the bits to go from their server to the reader's BROWSER while the are logged in to the service only.


What a great savings on bandwidth compared to other systems.

I LOVE how GREEN ListNerds has become

I am telling you without a doubt that this is UBER green. Man what savings in the grand scheme of things.

I am promoting this post on Hive currently by using one of my Solo mails to our group. It should be a good day to have people read and respond considering it's a US holiday coming up and folks will have time to go by ListNerds and read some emails, errr I mean walled garden messages.

What's your take? Leave a comment below!

I'd love to know your thoughts on the green aspect of ListNerds. @jongolson, would love your thoughts as well.

Sure I do some marketing, so I'd be remiss if I didn't say: check out ListNerds, and see what the hubub is all about, be my guest and use my referral url by clicking this link.

Peace and Love,


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P.S. Don't consider my posts financial advice. Do your own research. I write for entertainment. One more thing - I'd love it if you signed up for my 3 Steps Today email list - I cover how to accomplish your daily goals in 3 steps.

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