Sobriety Day 85 and I feel Alive!

Hey all. @threesteps here.

I've been using my calendar board at my desk to document my progress of recovery:

Today is Day 85 of sobriety


A change of priorities.

Being clean and sober has amazingly changed my life. It has allowed me to concentrate on my family and what's really important to me instead of the drugs and alcohol that I was using. I'm more focused on getting things done with my online businesses, and sticking to a plan once I start one.

At first I was concerned that I would be ashamed of talking about this openly. Yet after spending time working on my sobriety and going to NA and AA meetings, working through the 12 Steps, and having accountability, I feel great about being very transparent with what's going on in my life.

It's also a great way for me to start the #donotbreakthechain tag again. I use my calendar to keep track of my days in a row of sobriety. That way I have a visual reminder right at my desk of how long I've been without using. Quite encouraging! Thanks to @jongolson for starting this concept with CTP folks back in 2020. It still works. Thanks Jon!

Another great tag for this topic is #aliveandthriving, from the Alive and Thriving team. You folks rock.


Peace and Love,


I'm Rob Willmann - creator of my unique 3-step system to get things done: Plan + Act + Review = Success

As a teacher, I love showing people how to grow and adapt my "3-Steps" system into their own successes.

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