PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 34

I think this is my most successful photo taken in San Marino.
San Marino is the capital of the small country with the same name, located on the Apennine peninsula.
Vampiri e Licantropi is considered one of the most unusual museums in San Marino, it is a must visit for everyone who loves mysticism and stories about vampires. But even if you visit the museum just for the sake of interest, then its exhibits will make you incapacitated.265529_10150247341937182_613292_o 1.jpg
The entrance to the Vampire Museum is easily recognizable by the three-dimensional figure of a werewolf, which has long been loved by tourists.
THAT'S HOW I TOOK THIS PHOTO. WHO IS NAMED MY SON WITH A WEREWOLF.My son Stefan had long hair then. This was an unforgettable trip.The first photo from today's post is my humble entry in the @photofeed photography contest, I invite friends to participate.@markone85 @cute90 @goga14 @gordana

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