Reasons Why Moms Choose to Work at Home

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Many mothers struggle with the thought of becoming a work-at-home mom WAHM).

It’s appealing on many levels, but they just aren’t sure if it’s the right thing for them.

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Here are a few reasons why deciding to become a WAHM is can be wise choice.

1. More Time

Working outside the home can cost you a lot of time. Not at the job itself, (you’ll probably work similar hours at home as you would working outside the home.) but it’s the time cost before and after work. Commute time to and from work can be long, depending on how close you live to that job.

And your personal preparation for work each day will likely be greater when working outside the home. Plus, depending on the kind of job you have, you may need to spend time purchasing, cleaning, and organizing your work apparel.

Then, being away from your children for large amounts of the day can be undesirable. When you work outside the home, you could be gone up to 10 hours a day (or more, depending on your job and that commute).

When you work at home, you don’t need to “leave” for work until it’s time to begin working. Your commute is just seconds to your home office. And when you’re done with work, you can leave and be home, well, immediately.

2. Less Turmoil

The life of a household with two working parents can be hectic. You might get home from work only to turn right around and head to soccer practice, gymnastics, or piano lessons, or some combination of all of them!

When you work at home, you are already there. When it’s time to head to the ball field, you simply shut down your work for the day (or temporarily, if you intend to return later) and you go to the game. You may even be able to bring some work with you.

Also, you won’t have the scheduling problems that moms who work outside the home can have. After-school activities and play dates for your kids are not a problem. You’re there to either supervise or do the driving.

3. Save Money

You can save money by working at home. When you work at home, you don’t have to pay for full-time daycare. If your children are young, you might need to invest in part-time daycare until they are in school.

Without a commute, you will save on gas or public transportation. And you can likely save on clothing. Even if you do meet with clients, do parties, or work partly outside the home at your home-based business, you can have a much simpler work wardrobe than you would need working outside the home.

Since you won’t see the same people every day, you can get along with fewer workpieces. And often you can dress more casually when you work at home.

You might also see savings in unexpected areas. You will eat lunch at home most or all of the time. The money saved on lunches out could be substantial. One survey showed people who ate out frequently spent $9,000 a year on lunches.

You won’t feel obligated to order things from co-workers or their children. You won’t get asked for a contribution to the workplace birthday fund!

4. Improved QOL

Now, not everyone can claim that working at home gives them a better quality of life (QOL). But that’s due in large part to the fact that working at home isn’t for everyone.

However, if you think working at home might be a good fit for you, it’s fair to envision that your quality of life may improve. How. . .?

When you work at home, you have greater control over your time than you do when you work outside the home. Depending on the kind of work you do at home, you might have complete control or just some control. But in either case, you will have more control over your time than when you work outside the home.

If your kids get sick, you can be there for them. If you get sick, you can take a day off and make up for it the next day. If you want to take a day off and run errands or see a movie, you can do that.

You ultimately control when the work gets done. And, as long as it gets done, you have a great deal of control over when and how. For people who are more productive and prefer to work at night, working at home is ideal. They can work through the night and sleep late the next day.


There are many benefits to being a work-at-home mom. Consider what’s important to you in life. With your values in mind, evaluate if working outside the home or inside the home is the best way to achieve your life goals.


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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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