5 Actions for Countering Self-Sabotage

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You intend to be productive. You wake up with genuine enthusiasm for all you plan to get done that day.

But fast forward the clock. You're dragging yourself home and questioning where the day went. And it seems as if you never achieved anything at all.

Sound familiar? You're not alone. Most individuals experience these feelings once in a while. The key is to realize that this isn't something totally outside of your control.

Certainly there are times when things take place over which you have no control. But in many instances, you're really reaping the fruit from seeds of self-sabotage you planted. You've hindered yourself with your own negative self-talk.

Here are some actions that can help you reduce this self-sabotage.

Listen to Music

It's difficult to get going if your mood is dragging. Fortunately, here's something that can really work: Listen to songs you enjoy.

Get in Motion

Move your body. Any motion can help build your energy. Dance. Stretch and move your arms. Take a walk. These activities will help get your blood flowing. You can then return to your job, more awake and energized.

Look Inward

Alternatively, what you may need is some quiet time. If you sense your mind racing and unable to concentrate on the task before you, find a place to pause. If possible, close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Take some deep breaths. Concentrate on the present moment. Listen to your heartbeat and breathing slow down.

Review What's Important

It may be that things aren't getting done because you just don't see the worth in your goal anymore. If this is the case, set aside some time to ask why yourself what you really want to accomplish now. You may discover the need to change your goal to be more aligned with your "Why."

Give to Others

If you do not feel your work has value, offer to assist another person. Mentoring can be a win-win. You bring your life skills and experience to help another person who genuinely could benefit from your mentorship. And as you invest in that person, you often rediscover your passion and purpose for your life.


Take these actions and see if you don't experience a reduction in your self-sabotage. But if your productivity is still hindered, do seek the help a trained counselor.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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