Showing Gratitude for the Unseen


I have been thinking about the concept of what we don’t see that plays a big part in what we do see.

A real world example we can probably all relate to is a Tree. What we see on the surface is almost mirrored under the surface in that the root systems of trees and plants are often larger and more complex than the surface area of the plant itself and it is this intricate web that is intrinsic to the survival of the plant itself.

So, when we look at a Business we need to understand that there is a whole complex network that goes into creating the business we see to make that business work.

All sorts of planning and implementation need to go into creating the structure that would then support the business.

Coding for instance, when we go and visit a pretty web-based business, we go oh, look, what a great site, or oh look they made a spelling error.

Remember that there are far more complex goings on in the background that create what you we see and that without that great level of complexity what we see would not exist.

Remember that no matter what you look at, there is a network of happening, individuals, groups etc that make this work

This brings me to a daily gratitude tree, one of the practices I do each day is express gratitude for something, and this will often manifest in a tree of sorts. Eg; I show my gratitude that I have hot water to shower in or do my dishes in. that then leads me to think of the complex network that makes this possible. There are Plumbers, Metal workers, Facility workers, Electricians, Mineral gatherers, Rain, and the list goes on and on and on.

When we look at businesses like our own list building directions, to do this there is a whole plethora of people and networks that make this possible

Always remember that you cannot do anything in this world that doesn’t involve an ‘other’.
Remember to always be grateful for what you see and what you have and also what you do not see, extend your thought process to those in the background that often get unnoticed and forgotten


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