Memo to ones self - Just one Thing


I looked at my note pad and saw a memorandum to add a memorandum to undertake a task that needed to be done.

Now why would I write a memo to remember to write a memo instead of writing the actual memo in the first place?

This was of course after I read the sticky note on my computer screen to look into my note pad as there was a memo in there.

I have a Day Job, and that Day Job requires numerous tasks to be undertaken throughout the day as well as working with Ad Hoc requests received via a Service Desk, Emails and Phone Calls.

I use a notepad every day in fact often fill 2 A4 Pages of the notebook.

My Notebook will start each day with a Fresh Page, I look at what wasn’t achieved yesterday and then move it to the top of the new page for today, I then look at what needs to be done today and then add that, as I go through this list I cross things out.

As mentioned above I also get Ad Hoc Requests each day through a number of various means, these also get added to my list, I might also be in the model of a task and the phone rings with something that needs to be addressed straight away, so then I need to add an extra note to the task I was doing so that when I return to it I know where I was at, especially as the work I do require having multiple tabs on my computer open and keeping track can be difficult, which is why I write memos’

On my memos’ of tasks needed to be completed I have associated Check lists and I check of stages of the task so that I know where I am and if others need to pick up the task they also know what stage the task is at.

Memos’ are important to keep not only for one’s own sanity but also for others.

When I first learnt Coding, early 90’s I had a very thorough lecturer that enforced note taking, adding notes and always having a pen and paper next to you to jot things down. The most important thing was that every part of coding had a memo at the start, Variables had a memo outing what they were for, and Functions had a note outlining what they did. By adding the notes, meant that your coding wasn’t exclusive to relying on your memory to know what it was for what it contained and what it did.

One of the best aspects of keeping notes, memos etc is that others can follow in your footsteps,
But the best thing about keeping notes is that I can look at them and have that Ahh!! moment, that right I need to do that.


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