It is often the simple steps


How many times have you approached a task and thought too much into it, the job becomes bigger than it needs to be.

Often many people read too much into things and create a world that requires far more energy and action than what is actually required to get the job done.

Streamlining your activities so that you get maximum output for minimum input is what we really need to be doing.

Looking at already existing infrastructure and working with what you have rather than reinventing the wheel every time you need something to move.

I was listening to Blain Jones the other day and he spoke of his discovery of Bootstrap, now Bootstrap is a great infrastructure that can be utilised to build from in creating great dynamic web presence. But not just that, it will also dynamically change what you want into Mobile format, Tablet Format and even allows for integration into connectivity with data sources from outside its own coded environment.

This is utilising an already existing infrastructure to get maxi mum output for minimum input, and is smart engineering from all aspects.

Now what prompted me to write this post today is a story I experienced this morning.
We have an elderly neighbour that we do various tasks for. This morning when I was over there lighting her fire, I noticed that she was off color and somewhat tired, she also complained of a sore shoulder and needed assistance hanging her washing. My partner went over to help with the washing while I did the fire.

When we came back we both thought about this and all sorts of scenarios ran through our heads, Heart attack and stroke being at the top of the list, so while I was in a work meeting my partner went over to see her again. As she was talking our neighbour said that she felt it was from the angle of her walker that was causing the pain, so my partner put it up a couple of notches and instantly our neighbour felt better, in fact her colour returned and she started smiling, Felt like a new woman she said.

My point being that we thought the worst and started to over think the scenario when in actual fact the remedy was right there in front of us and with one simple step created a whole new set of parameters that improved the situation 10 fold.

So don’t spend too much time thinking about doing something, just get in there and start doing it. Yes a project may require some heavy duty planning, but unless you start to do that planning in a very practical sense the planning will become bigger than Ben Hur because we start to over think it and add extra avenues that most likely are not necessary because we can build of something else that already exists.


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