Feed a Carrot to a Giraffe and smile forever


Finance Finance Finance !!!

What about Love, What about Life, What about Living

I have known for a long time now that the best things in life are those achievements that you do that puts a smile on your face, allows you to actively enjoy what you are doing and your surroundings, those things that offer you no fear and yet are still exhilarating, exciting and enjoyable.

I know many people have concerns about their future, where the next dollar is coming from and how they can set themselves up for a good mix of business and life. Many people offer many different ways of doing this and many people, think they are reinventing the wheel but in reality are following those that came before them. After all those that came before them can offer a great wealth of ideas and motivations that will sustain you for a lifetime.

But what suits you ?

What is it that you want, really ?

The dollar is great, not having to worry about the dollar is great, not having to worry about having a lifestyle that suits you is great,

Are you doing you, are you living the lifestyle, or are you trying to achieve the lifestyle.
If you don’t live it now, you will always be striving to do so, step back and look at what makes you smile, step back and look at what gives you enjoyment, step back and look at what excites you.

I know of an individual, who shall remain nameless, I have known this person for over a Decade and their motivation, has always been to provide for themselves and their family in a way that takes away any concerns, they have undertaken this through online means, and continues to do so, they are excited about their path and exhilarated by a future that is not always certain but on the whole successful.

However, they have taken on a new role recently that when I see them write about it, I hear excitement, sheer joy and passion that, to be honest, I would not have expected.

I am also sure that possibly they would not have expected it as well. It is like someone who thought being a banker all their lives was something they really enjoyed, and then took up Glass Blowing and realised that is their true passion and a whole new self is born.

Remember that when you do what you truly love, it is not doing but being and to be the self is to be true. When you truly do that which is you then nothing else matters and things will most certainly take a positive turn.

Do you, don’t do what you think you is, or what others think you is or what you think others want you to be.

Love life, Love and Life, and living that love is where the passion is really at.
If you want to feed a carrot to a giraffe then go and do it, you will smile forever and forever have that moment to inspire you


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