An Altruistic Smile will always come back to you


One of the great things about Social Media Platforms is that we can be social

Many of us have faced a different way of life as a result of the COVID Pandemic, and now that we are starting to come out the other side we are becoming more and more aware of those that are struggling to start engaging again with others.

This makes Social Media Platforms even more important because it is an avenue for connection that many can use without becoming overwhelmed by interacting with people in the real world.

With this is mind, I am looking at many Social Media sites, who are using them and how they are using them. Now because I have a bent towards the creative, the artistic and the expressionistic I tend to look at those that are using various different creative sites as a means of creativity.

There are a number of AI Art creation platforms out there now that a lot of people are using. One of the people that I have found is marg_sparkle_g , I know this person has a Hive account, however not under this name, but they are starting to use instagram. Many of us use this social media platform as well, and many get bolsted by knowing that people show an interest in what they are doing and how they do it.

I have a favour to ask of you as a way of engaging with people and pushing yourself outside of the box.

We all talk about engaging with people on HIVE and liking their posts and writing comments and how you can get paid to do this , and for many this last point is the driving force behind their interactions.

I ask of you to be somewhat altruistic in nature and like something for the sake of liking it.
I ask that you visit Instagram and like the posts, even start to follow marg_sparkle_g as I know this would definitely put a smile on their face and would also encourage them to continue engaging with others as well as showing them that community is community and by encouraging on one platform would give them the courage and impetuous to start engaging on others, such as HIVE

So if you have an Instagram account , please go and visit marg_sparkle_g , foloww and like the posts they have put up. It will be a good deed that will keep on giving,
Like when you walk down the street and smile at someone, it will give them a good feeling and possibly prompt them to smile back and then smile at someone else.

A butterfly wing flapping does have a flow on effect

marg_sparkle_ can be found at

show someone your smile today and let them smile back




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