Update: Two Months on ListNerds!

If you read this, it's safe to say that it is a success. I mean, why would anyone try so hard for two months if it wasn't? Not that I'm the hardest working List NERD out there, there are definitely quite a few who work their butts off to get the recognition they deserve. I'm also not someone who gives up easily, so no, I wouldn't have quit after two months, I would have worked and put more of my blood, sweat and tears into it.
I would have given it more time. But I was lucky, and feel blessed that it's the way it is: Success!


How to measure success on ListNerds?

Well, to start, I've sent out 45 mails this past month (15 more than in the first month) out of which 30 were actually written by yours truly. 12 of those were older posts, and 18 brandnew ones.

And this was with my two days of no posts due to being transported back to the 'Free' membership.
Still nothing to complain about haha.

This means I've actually written 3 posts less in Hive than last month, something I need to improve on. But note taken, and I will work towards my goal of posting on Hive every day.

I have a good excuse because @raymondspeaks with the ManCave & @brofund works me to the bone hehe. No, just kidding. He's really the best 'boss' one could ever ask for.

But I'm also working on my own project, plus another project I am part of. This has taken up a lot of my time, as well as all the meetings I've had in town for it. Of course, the meetings were nice, and I'm not complaining but I really need to learn to reserve some time to myself, so I can work and do things with the family or by myself.

Lots to consider in the coming months!

Nevertheless, I've upped my game a bit, my next goal is to send out 60 mails in one month.
I'm not promising that it will be this coming month because I am getting a different and higher workload, especially in the beginning of each project but I will be working towards it.
Besides that, it will be more stuff to write about too!

Aside from posts and mails, I've also signed up 13 people in my downline. Two of which are Enterprise members. Now, this is in total, because I haven't kept up with when who signed up exactly. But I do know that most of these 13 signed up this last month, and some aren't active yet, and are free members, but I'm sure I could convince one or two once they see what's possible.


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Yeah, I need to work on that.
If I have it right, then it's around 11 pm or maybe 12 am GMT that gets counted as 'next day' in ListNerds.
That means around 6-7pm for me.
Sometimes I get it right but sometimes I post something at 4-5 pm and it ends up in the queue for so long, it gets posted the next day.
That's fine but I want to improve on that.

So I am trying to get my posts out as early as possible now (7-8 pm my time) then I won't have to worry about them the next day.

What I consider success on ListNerds too: New Friends!

I think some of Hive's finest are on ListNerds.
OK, some are 'just' posting their affiliate links but that's OK too. I don't mind that so much. But there are quite a few people who actually have great content, some of which have never created content before in their lives!

Yes, I'm talking about you @beststart and @camthecreator. I'm so proud of Cam because he's never even really did so much as read a book, so let alone write! He's really getting the hang of it now, and he even likes it.
It's great to see his talent unfold!
Tomorrow, when my own subscription is paid, I will hopefully be able to help him to upgrade, and he'll grow even more.

Anyway, I've met some fine people through ListNerds, and that's really nice.
There are also some new ones coming in, which makes the platform even better!


For a little while, I was 'stuck' at number 15 on the richlist but now this past week, I've slid up a few spots to number 12. Not bad!

But all in all, I believe ListNerds is a major success for me personally. I've seen my Nerdies grow from a little over 1,000 Nerdies a month ago, to a whopping 4,160 today! That is some major growth!
And it's not all, because I've been unstaking little bits every day too.

I know there was more. But I forgot haha. That happens to me on Sundays sometimes so forgive me. If it's important, I'll surely remember later.

Oh, just one more thing!

A big old...

All pictures created in Canva.com

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