New Progress !

About two months ago I surfed 20000 pages.
Now I'm over 50,000.
I'm really fast :)
Joke on the side, I try to surf whenever I can.
The next goal I set for myself is 100000 !!!

I made progress on the list ,,Top 25 All Time Winners,, And I'm currently seventh.

I also made progress in the ctp tokens earned.
From around 2000 to over 6300 ctp tokens.
I have also made progress with referrals from 25 to 29.

Am I satisfied?
Yes I am completely.
On the complete progress I've been making on ctpx , also on the complete hive.

Is it worth it to be a surfer on ctpx ?
Yes in every sense !

I shyly made some plans for ctpx, hive ...
I suggest everyone to make a plan !
To know where you want to go and how much progress you have made!

Until the next report.
All the best friends

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