Affiliate Marketing Rethink - What I confessed to my subscribers


OK, so I'm not the smartest tool in the shed and I can be quite stubborn at times. So, when I decided to stick my toe back into the affiliate marketing water after a four year lay off, I thought I could pick up my old campaigns right were I left them.

It's taken me a while to admit it but I've finally put on my big boy pants and uttered those oh so difficult words.....

I was wrong.

So I had to swallow my pride and send a letter out to those subscribers who had been receiving my emails and admit that I'd stuck my foot in it.

This is what I said....


The world has moved on

The models I've faithfully used for the best part of ten years are no longer the best models

So, what has changed?

Everything and that's exciting.

When I started in this game back in the dim dark nineties, I could make$20-$30 sales in Traffic exchanges daily. No funnel required. Mind you - I had the ultimate product for that time, but considering I was spending about an hour a day working my side hustle, life was pretty good.

When I sort of bowed out of this field around 2016 the market had gone stale, Paypal were starting to destroy people and the business got nastier and colder.

I knew all that,when I stuck my toes back in the water last year, but I figured that perhaps the worst of the correction was over and that things might have settled down.

I was kind of right but mostly wrong.

The market seems much smaller now and more concentrated. Many of the traffic sites that I trusted are virtual ghost towns with links that no longer work.

The ridiculous claims of overnight wealth are worse than ever,

Every other day a new mailer is launched by the same inner circle of people who make a living off this advertising market. Everything reeks of desperation.

People are more likely now to be a victim than they were four years ago.

And that's scary.

But while the TE/List Mailer advertising market is contracting, the potential to earn good money online is exploding.and the great news is that you don't need to sell or market anything to start building a solid reliable business.

How can that be even possible?

Cryptocurrency is the answer.

And I'm not talking about the big coins. I'm talking about the revolutionary cryptocurrencies that are quietly building communities as they build currency.

If you can create content, comment on blog posts, make videos, exercise while tracking your movements with an app or write poetry you can generate cryptocurrency out of virtual thin air.

There's even a web browser that rewards you for browsing the web!

How cool is that?

Imagine getting in on the ground floor when BitCoin was launched. Imagine getting say 20 BitCoin for a couple of dollars. What would that be worth today?

Can you see the possibilities?

But one of the key problems with Crypto is that it is so confusing.

It doesn't have to be anymore.

You can learn all about a particular Cryptocurrency called Hive and how to earn it and accumulate it through this free membership site.

It costs exactly nothing to get in and in fact what you learn will pay off for you if you take action. Keep your money in your pocket and head on over to the Hive Guide and step into the future today.

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I suspect I'll lose more subscribers than I care for but the lesson has been learned.

Onward and upward.

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