Sting Chat > Discord


This isn't a pitch, but to frame this post properly I need to reference a project we started in the CTP community a few years ago.

It's called, StartEarning.Today. It was a funnel of sorts to help introduce people to not only Hive, but also our community and everything we're trying to build on the blockchain. The main idea behind this project was to get people to actually start earning small chunks of crypto, by replacing their Web 2.0 platforms with crypto and Web 3.0 related platforms.

Don't use Chrome...Use Brave Browser.

Stop supporting Medium...Start blogging on Hive.

Google has enough business...Use PreSearch instead.

I've been a huge proponent of changing what you use every day online and start using the crypto / blockchain equivalent of it. Become a true product of your product in our case. And it doesn't stop there.

I don't use YouTube as much as I use 3speak. Forget Instagram for me it's all about Liketu. Haven't loaded up Twitch forever, I use multiple times a week. Twitter is cool and all, personally I'd rather Thread on LeoFinance.

The last frontier was online messaging for me. When we started out we decided to go with Telegram cause that's where the cool kids in crypto were apparently. But we're on Hive and well, Hive people love themselves some Discord....

So imagine my excitement when I see this Tweet from the good folks @peakd

(If that didn't load, click here to see the Tweet)

Excuse me....

What was that?

A Hive based solution to Discord?

Yes please!!!!

So 'Sting Chat' was opened up for mass testing yesterday and it's safe to say I jumped at the opportunity.

Obviously this is still in development but their MVP is absolutely remarkable.


What's so cool is that PeakD linked your Hive account to all the communities you are a part of, and populated them inside your account in Sting Chat. But check out all those active communities already....

Shout out to @neoxian for the massive activity already in chat.

Just wow!

Heck when @taskmaster4450 found out about it, we started trying out the encrypted personal chat back and forth...As you can see, we have extremely intelligent conversations...


Yup, you read that right....Encrypted personal messaging is now on Hive with this slick new app.

I'm just floored by these kind of projects that launch on chain and the potential for this could change community and communications on Hive forever. And I'm all for it :)

I'm most looking forward to seeing how they integrate this into PeakD itself, which adds another huge massive use case to the popular front end.

But here's the biggest 'ah ha' moment for me...It's another step into being rid of Web 2.0 in my life LOL

Seriously, I'll drop Discord in a second....If we all made the move over to Sting Chat. But I know, that'll take some time. Still, it's such a powerful app right now as is, and it'll just get better and better.

I'm going to pitch you now...

Come say hi to us in the CTP Community Chat on Sting.

We'd love to chat with you :)


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