

It's story time again...

Back in the early 2000's I was looking at ways to make money online while doing a few things like....Raising a baby boy! Taking night classes at a community college. Working an offline job that I hated....And trying to juggle it all.

I came across some unique online opportunities but I had absolutely NOTHING extra to put into my new ventures.

I thought if I worked more hours, I'd get more money but while I did everything I could, there was none extra hours to be had.

On top of all this, was the fact my son needed diapers and formula which....Wasn't any cheaper back in 2001!

So I had to look at a few things that I was spending money on foolishly and cut it out...

Heck I even wrote an e-book about it and I published it in 2007 or so...


(Scary to look back on the WayBackMachine to find these awful website designs I used to think were amazing lol)

The truth was...I had to make sacrifices!

And while this seems like a no brainer to most, as a young 20-something my priorities were kind of messed up...

  • I smoked, so I NEEDED my cigarettes.
  • I worked as a pizza store manager so the BIG discounts on pizza was a daily thing (kind of explained my extra large body lol)
  • Weekends with the boys was a priority for a while, and that wasn't cheap

I had a lot of growing up to do...And when I decided that building online businesses was my passion and something I wanted to do for the rest of my life...I made some cuts!

The cigarettes. No more.

Drinking with the boys. Done!

Pizza dinners every night. Not going to happen anymore.

And before I knew it, I magically started having the funds to not only make sure my kid had everything he needed but extra cash to...You guessed it...Invest in my online businesses.

My life seemed to improve when I made the sacrifices I needed to, and it allowed me to focus on what was important.

Why am I talking about this in a blog post today?

Look, I don't know what your situation is. What you may be going through...The hardships you face.

But I do know this....

We can 'find' a few extra things when we start sacrificing the junk that's holding us back.

Need more time to write or create content?

Why not turn off Netflix or the video games you are playing and focus on your craft?

Tired of being out of shape?

Don't stuff your face with a Twinkie tonight, eat something healthy!

Need extra funds for things like....Hive Power Up Day?

Take that $10 pack of cigarettes or the 20 dollars you may spend on pizza tonight, and invest in your self!

This is sacrificing negative things in your life, and adding positives ones!

You'll be blown away at what magically starts to appear to you...

More time!

More opportunity!

More growth!

More success!

Heck...More Hive!!!!!

Again, I know that individual situations are unique, but maybe take a good look at what you spend your time, energy and money on and sacrifice the quick gains for some long term potential!

It works, I'm living proof!

Note: This post's beneficiary is @theroad2freedom Another remarkable member of the CTP community and a passionate entrepreneur that is fired up for his journey on the blockchain! Every post I make, 25% of the author rewards goes to a random member of the CTP Tribe!


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