

Change is a scary thing....

It's human nature to avoid change like the plague because it's filled with unknowns. We like our little comfort zones where we KNOW what to expect. Throw a monkey wrench in our daily routines and a lot of us scatter and hide. However if you have spent anytime trying to build a business or a brand online, you'll know there is a constant...And that is the need to embrace change.

Tonight we held a roundtable discussion on our Thursday Night Live stream.

You can check out the video here:

And in the discussion, we had a great talk with a long time member of the CTP Swarm, @alente

Great dude! He works an offline job for about 10 hours a day and comes home dead beat. But still gets himself to his computer to work on his online business. His story isn't necessarily unique, but more of a highlight of a character trait all entrepreneurs share...We WANT to show up and put in the hard work. We aren't scared of it.

Tom's not expecting overnight success. And Tom has big plans for his online business. He wants to know that he's putting in the effort that will eventually lead to success. However...Is it guaranteed?

Absolutely not, and that's entrepreneurship. So we had a good discussion about what it takes to see the results we expect and I kept thinking of a popular diagram I've seen over the years. Pardon my awful whiteboard skills, but I drew it to share with you here:


I'm not sure exactly what this is called, but let's just call it...The Secret For Embracing Change lol

It's a pretty straight forward diagram...

Ask yourself...Are you happy with your results? Are you happy with your life? Your business? Your journey?

You have two answers to choose from....

The first is YES!

Perfect, don't change a thing and keep doing what you are doing!

The second answer is...No!

O.k. now here's where things get tricky. The solution if you aren't happy is to...Change something!

Easy right?

It's actually much easier said than done but here's the 'secret' for bringing this home...

You are responsible.

You are responsible for every single choice you make in your life and business. Which means if you WANT ot be happy with what you are doing, and things aren't what you expect or even deserve....Change something! Do something different because we are the sum of every single decision we make in life.

Think about that for a minute...Every choice you have made, has brought you to this point in your life where you are reading these words...

(Scary huh?)

And when you are done reading them, you again...Have another choice!

What will you do?

Maybe you laugh it off and say to yourself 'That Jongo guy is an idiot!' It's been a long day, my business can wait plus Netflix is calling...


Or maybe you finish reading and spend the next 30 minutes reading more content and engaging with some of the community! And after that, you find some fantastic videos about a niche you have a passion for and grow your knowledge...


And they really are yours. What you decide to do today, might become a habit and in a few months from now...You will be the sum of those choices you make today.


Nah not at all...To me, it's exciting because I'm going to CHOOSE to get better every single day!


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