The CTP Grind Challenge - Daily Update - Day Four

Montague, PEI
Montague, PEI

Day Four of the #CTPgrind was a great day! I certainly hope your day is also going well!

My day started off with a very early trip to church. We had an outdoor service on the waterfront with two local churches combining their services. I went early to help set up. I have never experienced this before so I wasn't sure what to expect but it really was fantastic to see everyone come together as one church body in Christ Jesus to worship together.

It shouldn't matter what label you stick on the door of your church. We're one through Christ and it's time Christian's started acting like it! This felt like a nice step in that least locally!

Below are some photos I snapped. As you can see it was an absolutely beautiful day on the water. It was super hot and I'm happy that my sister remembered her sunscreen because I did not!

I didn't have much of a presence on social media today. Sunday is difficult for me since I'm usually away serving with the church and then with family. Looking forward to tomorrow where hopefully we can connect again.

God bless!

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