Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Drive the DeLorean!


Hello everyone!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 4 - Drive the DeLorean!

It's been years last time I watched Back to the Future so I wouldn't remember the name of that crazy car that they use to time travel lol but Pat Flynn is a huge fan of the movie and the DeLorean even more and uses the time travelling idea to take people from casual to active on the Pyramid of Fandom.

(...) if you want to activate your casual audience, you need to take them on a preview journey of their possible futures - both with your help and without it.
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Whether if they take action or not with or without you, share a story about how it would be either way by sharing your own experiences or even better sharing other people's testimonials.

your audience won't be buying your product or service- they'll be buying the change that product or service offers them. (...) You need to show them examples of transformation - your solution in action. You need to give people a chance to see the change as it happens, in the lives of actual people.
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No wonder in the past I asked my members of CTP Blueprint to share their testimonials because those are the best proof that the stuff works!

The program may be still young to have testimonials (you can share yours if you want!) so you need to trust my word, for now, lol I will try to take this strategy into practice with CTP BP:

What do I see most of the time during my ClickTrackProfit journey and now even more as a member of the team Affilliatech and my experience so far while taking care of customer service, people get all excited with this new program with the hopes of making money right away even got the motivation to watch some of the training inside but after a few days either they didn't even start the training because they get confused and overwhelmed with all the information or they get frustrated because they didn't make any money yet (news flash: it's a training platform to help you make money not a moneymaker!) and most to them simply give up.

The solution(s) that I offer through CTP Blueprint is as the name of the program says, a step-by-step blueprint or a guide to go through ClickTrackProfit that highlights the best features and where to start with the training, from a view of a member. Because listening from Jon and Blain, the owners, may not be enough for people to trust them and the process, but perhaps some "equal" like a member who already went through it all and had progress and success might be the testimonial they need!

But first, I need to earn your trust!
I'll keep building my audience and relationships and make my little Blueprint a better place :)

Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!




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