Win 10 $HIVE Tokens >> The Weekly Challenge >> From D.Buzz (ROUND 112)


Monday Challenges from D.Buzz
>> Round 112 << | >> Win 10 HIVE<<

Hello friends.

Let's dream and think about DBuzz. We want your thoughts on what feature you want to see on the Buzz.

After all, when it comes to crowdsourcing new ideas, the sky is the limit! There is so much power in harnessing the collective brainpower of a group of people, and it can result in some incredible new visions. Whether you're looking to solve a problem or develop a new product or service, crowdsourcing is a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

It does not matter if you are new to DBuzz or a seasoned pro; we love to hear what our users think about our platform. Whether you have suggestions on how we can improve or you just want to share your experience using our service, we want to hear from you. Your feedback is important to us and helps us make our platform the best it can be.

This brings us to today's Monday Mission!

Oooo, a shiney new idea!

Today's challenge

At DBuzz, we always look for ways to improve our site and make it the best it can be for our users. We want to hear your ideas on how we can make DBuzz even better. Whether it's adding new features, improving existing ones, or anything else you can think of, we want to hear from you. So let us know what you think and help us make DBuzz the best it can be!

If you want to come up with truly innovative ideas, you need to let your mind run wild. Dream up whatever you can think of, no matter how far-fetched it may seem. The crazier, the better!

Over the next few days, think of a feature or upgrade you would like to see at DBuzz and let us know! Don't worry about whether or not something is actually possible, just let your imagination go and see where it takes you. You never know, you might just come up with the next big thing.

Will you join in the fun?

This week's challenge

At some point in the next 6 days...

  • On a post on D.Buzz, tell us what cool new feature you would love to see on DBuzz.
  • Hashtag that post with #dbuzznext
  • Post a link to your buzz on a comment below.
  • Buzz to Twitter for an extra high-five from us! ;)

Thank You


  • After seven days (the following Monday, at some point), we will select a winner from all valid entries.
  • We will then make an announcement post on Monday and tag you.
  • The prize will be sent to the winner soon after the winner is announced.
  • No, follow, or upvote required to join.

What is the prize?

  • The prize is 10 HIVE sent to you.

Last Week’s Winner!

By random draw, the winner of last week's challenge is...

@chichi18 🙌

The Buzz:

Yes yes, Zumba and hanging out with friends are delightful ways to spend time unwinding. :D

  • Congratulations on winning!
  • You will receive the prize from our rewards account shortly. :)

Thank you for playing!

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just comment below.

- The D.BUZZ

D.Buzz is...

A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.

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We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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