Updating The ListNerds Launch

The Relaunch & Evolution of ListNerds.png

We thought it would be a good time to go over some of the highlights of the recent ListNerds launch and showcase some of the things planned in the coming days and weeks :)

First up, a massive THANK YOU to everyone in the community that has supported this grand vision of ours! We love the affiliate marketing space and to finally combine both industry's that we love so much, has truly been a blessing.

We can't thank you enough and look forward to building some amazing things with you over the years!!


One of the main reasons why we felt the need to improve ListNerds and bring it to the blockchain was that results needed to be improved upon across the industry. The 'mailer' industry has suffered from a lack in innovation and because of that, results have steadily been decreasing over time.

We think we've found a pretty good formula, here's a few of the results we've been tracking:

  • A huge CTR! And yeah, the way ListNerds is set up, encourages clicking through the mails members receive but we think this is remarkable....


These are the past 4 emails we have sent to the membership with around 95% CTR for each message. Absolutely remarkable!

  • But they aren't just clicking...They are actually signing up and taking action on what is being promoted within the system. Here is the program we have been promoting to ListNerds and using ONLY ListNerds over the past few days to promote it.


We've received 34 new members to StartEarning.Today which was launched well over a year ago, with tens of thousands of members already in it. They are ALL coming from ListNerds!

  • A new concept in promoting has been born! Thanks to @achim03 we've been playing with an idea he brought up last week when we launched. His idea was to use ListNerds to drive traffic to your Hive based blog posts. We took it one step further and made a call to action within a message we sent...


The idea was to pull people to one of our latest blog posts on Hive and encourage members to engage with us. We tipped those that did engage and upvoted their comments with both Hive and CTP!

So far, this post has received over 80 comments and it's only been 48 hours since we sent it! Talk about an engaged audience that...TAKES ACTION!!!

Bringing New People To ListNerds...

The Hive community has been a huge support so far, and we have to be honest...Our goal was to bring people TO Hive! So this has just been a huge bonus for us seeing the support from the community so far...


@taskmaster4450 has been a huge support from not only Tweeting about receiving his first LISTNERDS token through staking, but also making a very cool post about the project and showcasing ListNerds to his readers!

We have been bringing new members to Hive as well, as a number of new accounts have been created as every member of ListNerds wanting to take part in the rewards will need a Hive account. We will make sure we have enough account creation tokens and delegate new members some Hive power to get them set up properly!

The Next Few Weeks...

The game has just begun :)

We're looking at how to improve mail delivery for members because things have changed...There has been a fundamental change in how mail in these programs is looked at. Because in the past, people would upgrade their account to get less email...

Now, everyone wants MORE email, because the more messages you read and validate, the more of the rewards pool you get to share. So we're looking at a way to maximize everyone's emails within ListNerds so that members get exposed to the most potential rewards!

We've also been improving the site across the board, as this is a brand new concept and way of doing 'a mailer', not everything has been 100% yet. But we are getting close. And will continue to improve features and listen to your feedback on how to make ListNerds even better!

Such an exciting time to get involved in this platform and the re-birth of the mailer world!


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