For the love of Hive & CTP Talk

Hello everyone,


I have a few things to go over this morning. I am going to start with my Dolphin Dream. But before I do I am going to share some information that I got in a message. And I want to thank @saboin for the education. I new Dolphinhood was not exactly 5000 HP but did not know how much. Here is a copy of his reply to me. Again thanks sabion and I think other will appreciate the info:

"The levels actually go by Mvests rather than by Hive Power.

Minnow is 1 Mvest
Dolphin is 10 Mvests
Orca is 100 Mvests
Whale is 1000 Mvests (or 1 Gvest if you prefer)
To be a dolphin, you need 10 Mvests, and right now that's 5197.491 Hive Power.

The Hive per Mvest number keeps going up slowly. When Hive first started it was around 513 Hive per Mvest, now it's almost 520 Hive per Mvest.

If you get to around 5000 HP and you're wondering why you aren't getting your Hivebuzz badge, that's why."

For the sake of my Goal reporting I am going to stick with the 5,000 HP as that is what I have been reporting. But I know it will take a bit more before I get my badge.

I was busy doing what I could do to give myself a boost the last few days. Thanks to CTPToken and the trading on there last week I was able to grow some Hive by buying low and selling high. Here is a graphic of my week.


So I am adjusting my goal of 5k HP to end of October, and my Dolphinhood to the end of November. Here it is: 4800.43 HP leaving me with 199.57 HP to 5K. Or a new daily average of 9.9785 HP.

I have not had a chance to research who has jumped into the Hive market or why people are now buying up Hive. If anyone knows let me know. But here is the 24 hour report. You can see the volume gone crazy.


I want to thank the two newest members to the curation trail: @unyime1 & @curtawakening. That brings us to 49 members in the trail now. One more to goal to hit our fantastic, amazing 50 mark. Thank you all. Please, if you are a member help promote it and if you are wondering what it is all about here is a link to guide: Curation Trail

That is it for my Sunday update. Now for the ads!


MyHiveSwag.Store. Please stop buy for a look around.



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Have a great day all.


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