Are you ready to Start Earning Today?

Morning fellow CTP Talkers and Hivians,

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Are you ready to start earning today? READY. SET. GO.

Let me talk about and review items from the past. I need to. I need to get the word out. Repeating is good :)

Curation Trail - I have a full explanation in that post. But to summarise, curation trails are a fantastic way to help people in the community and yourself.

StartEarning.Today - All I can say is WOW. People are jumping all over this program. In my 20 plus years of affiliate marketing and online marketing I have never seen a program that you can join and start earning in 15 minutes. I am blown away. And for FREE. WOW.

What else is there to be said? Nothing. End of blog post!


No, just kidding, need more content. Maybe a little about myself? Some back ground on my online adventures, and I am going to go way back. This will hopefully show why I am so excited about Hive, SET, and Click Track Profit. Now you might have to google some of this unless you are 50 years or older. lol

I have no idea how I got into computers, was it friends, was it a magazine, maybe TV ads. I really cannot say. I was one of those young people that started working part time so that I had my own money and I used it to buy my first computer back in 1980. The VIC-20 by Commodore.


It was a pretty nifty little machine but me being me I soon learned the short falls of computer memory. But at a young age it was a great introduction to computers and learning them inside out.

Then something amazing happened. In 1983 a move came out called War Games. It is a classic. I won't go into details, you can google it. But what it did was get me into my first modem.


This baby plugged into the back of the computer in an expansion slot and you plugged your phone line into it.

All great stuff, but living in Newfoundland, and computers still new I really had no other computer to call. No internet back then. But I was learning.

In high school, myself and a few friends were really into computers. We pushed, fund raised and were responsible for getting the first computers and computer class introduced into a school in Newfoundland. It started with a slate of Commodore PET computers.


A few years passed and I upgraded to a Commodore-64.


Now this was a power house back in the day, and I have to say some of my favourite video games are still from that machine. So about this time I moved to Ontario, after graduation high school and going to collage to become a "Computer Engineering Technologist" (no I never graduated from that).

So here I was in southern Ontario with a large population of people and a powerful C64 computer and modem and in collage. I heard about then learned all about BBS (bulletin board system) - Yes still before the internet! lol.

I was hooked. You could use your modem to dial into people hosting a BBS. You could leave messages, exchange primitive email. And the world of online game piracy was also born.

I was hooked. To say the least I started to run my own BBS service. The learning curve just kept on going :)

As I said above I never finished collage but I ended up joining the military here in Canada. During that time I upgraded to an Amiga 500.


Now that was a true power house of a computer. About the same time PCs were becoming popular and over time Commodore went out of business and I switched to PC.

Years passed and the internet slow came online. My first adventure was into my own online Comic Book store. I think there was less than 1 million people on the net when I launched. Did my own website. At the peak I was shipping comics, new and back issues all over the world. I was hooked on the online business world.

What came next? I left the military and moved back to Newfoundland, about 22 years ago now. Started life over. But still needed my computer. I discovered affiliate marketing and believe it or not it was SFI. How I wish now that I stayed with that program from the start. I would have 22 years under my belt and I can only imagine how well I would be doing. But like most people I did not give it time, it did not make me rich over night. So I gave up on it.

Jump ahead again and I found Click Track Profit. I was hooked. Life throws you some curve balls some times and I have been in and out of the affiliate marketing world. But when I learned @jongolson was bringing it back and bringing it back to the block chain my brain nearly exploded.

So here I am. Over 8 months on Steem/Hive, working my CTP business, blogging, video blogging every day.

I felt it was time to give you all some of my back ground, lots left out, I could have written a book! lol.

Hope this gives you some insight and maybe some encouragement to join me on my online journey.


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Have a great day all.


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