Med-Hive-Weekly health Discussion-Set 3 objectives for 2023 to improve your health or change unhealthy habits

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How happy I m to share in this week health discussion with you friends on @Med-Hive. What can be that important than health. Nothing as long as health is concern. In case you have not see the link to participate here is it Let's share this health tips together.

What would you like to improve in your lifestyle that could benefit your health?

In 2023, i have a lot to improve on. I will resume my weekly exercise and never miss a week no matter how busy I am. If i am sick, i will try to take a walk as soon as I regain strength. I noticed that i have added 2kg on my weight making it impossible for me to wear 2 of my skirt, hehe. Each time I feel heavy, i know i have added weight. I don't want additional kg at all because am not getting younger. Lol.

What unhealthy habits do you wish to change?

One of it is wearing truoser when am going far. I have observed that i don't drink much water any day i put on truoser for fear where i will see comfortable rest room. Huh, you know what it means. As a result the water percentage in my body has reduced. I will also drink more water any day am in the house so as to make it up. It is a challenge i must win come 2023.

Set 3 objectives for 2023 to improve your health or change unhealthy habits

Set aside time to rest

I have determined to set Sunday and Monday of every week aside for rest come 2023. This will help me to start my weekly activities with full energy. I will also have time to engage more in the morning and evening of this 2 days on hive. I have sufferd in the ugly hand of stress so is time to put everything in order.

No room for unhealthy food/Supplement.

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My food next year will be more of fruits than cooked food. Cucumber is full of water, watermelon, pineapple, lemon, Avacado pear etc will be more of what I will eat next year. And it will continue. The reason is because I want my digestive system to work with ease as my age is going. It will also set me free from constipation.

I will also be on supplement that helps in blood circulation, bone and joint pain and brain. I believe that caring for this 3 parts of the body will help others to function very well. I need more Supplement, fruits than chemical drugs.

Give my children more time.

I am my children best friend. In friend ship you need to make time for your friend to sit down with him or her and chat and discuss some important things that concerns you and him or concern you. You can also go out to have a cup of coffee. So 2023, my children will have more of my time each week so that our friendship will cement very well.

I have been able to share with you how my healthy living goal will look like next year 2023. There is room for change to be more healthier and happier. As i plan my own, my children are included in this plan because I want them to be happy and healthy too. It is life style

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