
I do use glasses but I don't have visual Imparements

My glasses has becomes part of me because I have been wearing it for the past 2 years ago. I normally puts it on whenever am going out because it serves as sun shield and at the same time protects my eyes from direct light from vehicles at night. But you might ask why do I always put on glasses since I don't have Visual Imparements? Well, let me give you more details on what lead to that.

Growing up as a child, I had no eye related issues. But one day when I was coming back from an errand, something flewd inside my eyes. I was about 17 years old then. I tried to remove it but I couldn't. When I get home, I told mom what happened to me on the way. She looked into my eyes and sees nothing. Though it was still as if something was there. I make use of the mirror but couldn't see anything. But the next day, my eyes has swelled up and I was taking to nearby pharmacy.

Though I can see, but can't walk under the sun or look directly to the light at night. My eyes was itching me to the point I couldn't hold my hands. And after scratching my eyes, it turn red and water starts coming out. When my parents finally took me to ophthalmologist, he confirmed that my eyes are okay, and prescribed drugs for me. He said it's worm will soon calm down once I started taking the drugs.

I took the drugs including the eye drops as prescribed and I got some relief. Though the itching still comes up at times but I can read and do anything with my eyes without using glasses. I only take my drugs each time I see the symptoms.

How I started using Glasses.

July 2020, my elder sister who is a health consultant was introduced to a company that has healthy products. Their products are all quantum made from China. That was when she comes across quantum ganti blue ray glasses which am using now. She tried to introduce me to the company but I was not interested. So, she told me about their glasses and ask me to use it, maybe it will stop my eyes itching. I decided to give it a trial.

Since then down to this day, the eye itching left me. I no longer spend money buying drugs to control the itching. Since my eyes was corrected, I do wear the glasses often. It's not a reading but it takes care of light headecks and stop eye pains. Right now, wearing glasses has become part of my fashion not that I have visual Imparements

Please visit an eye doctor for your serious eye problems ooo😜, my glasses is for fashion show 🤣😅

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