Instantaneous Manifesting and a Poem for Jesus

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Two days ago I was in a predicament where my financial woes finally came to head. For the past year I had been struggling. I was loaning to my friends left and right (but have payed them as of now). Two days ago I just got to a point where I am tired loaning money from friends. And also I know I can't abuse our friendship too much so I just didn't have the nerve to call on anyone anymore.

What I did was just surrender to the situation. I was ready to throw the towel at my mounting debts and problems. But I remembered I still have one more thing I can do. I can still call on one Friend, who I have never called in a long long time.

I can say life has been good to me. Whenever I have problems that are too big and seem insurmountable, I usually call on my Guardian Angel and Mother Mary, and somehow my problems get fixed. But two days ago I felt they got tired of helping me. It's been a year of juggling loans and it seems I have exhausted my good karma points with them. I was totally resigned to the fact I'm gonna go past due, and everything will be a domino from thereon. I was ready to have no electricity, no internet, and expected calls and demand letters from major credit cards.

So I remembered there is one more Friend I can call on. Nothing wrong in trying. So I called on Jesus finally. Though I am Catholic, I have never truly prayed or talked to Jesus directly throughout my Catholic life. I think because ever since I have dreamed of my Guardian Angel I had been more closer and relied more to my Guardian Angel. But because of the situation I am in, I felt that my luck streak has ended and just face reality.

So I prayed and poured my heart to Jesus and before 12 midnight an amount of money exactly the amount I needed to pay my outstanding due for a loan got credited to my GCash account. I got credits where I didn't need to make a loan. Basically I got free money.

I jumped in jubilation and just repeatedly kept thanking Jesus for the miracle that just happened. I don't want to say I can't believe it because I truly believe it. I called on Jesus if he can help me with money and the exact amount of cash I needed came in the same day.

So today I dedicate this poem that I made for Him which I give the title Jesus Got My Back.

Jesus Got My Back

In moments dark when shadows 'round me creep,
I call on Jesus, and my soul takes flight,
For in His grace, my heart He gently keeps,
My prayers ascend, and He restores the light.

He judges not, for my faults are known to Him,
Yet in His presence, I find solace there,
With open arms, He heals my spirit's brim,
No sin too great, no burden hard to bear

With gratitude, I raise my voice on high,
For every prayer to Jesus, heard and known,
In faith, I trust, and to His grace, I fly,
My Savior's love, a bond that's ever-grown.

ps. This is my first post again on hive after a year.

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