Author of The Divine Comedy. Horoscope Dante Alighieri.

Author of The Divine Comedy. Horoscope Dante Alighieri.

In the horoscope of Dante's birth (the map is on the Ascendant, but from the side of the 12th house, the Sun is surrounded by Jupiter in Taurus, the ruler of the Descendant and the 8th house, and Saturn in Gemini, the ruler of the 9th and co-ruler of the 8th house. The 12th house of the Dante horoscope is strengthened by the Moon in Aries ( in tau - square to the Lunar Nodes on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, and the Descending Node is in conjunction with Mars, the ruler of the 12th house) and Uranus, the ruler of the MS, in Taurus. The latter is at the top of a closed triangular configuration formed by its centagon to the Ascending node and binonagon to the connection Mars-Descending Lunar Node.Such a vast and planet-filled 12th house, containing the axis of the included signs Taurus-Scorpio and having a connection with the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses, probably served as an entrance for Dante, a "pass" in purgatory, where he sought answers to the question of the fate of Florence.As a significator of the 8th house, Pluto, located in Sagittarius in the 7th house - that is, in the house of open enemies, makes an exact conjunction with the White Moon and a 10-degree aspect with H black moon. In addition, it forms a trine with the Moon and a quadronagon, a 160-degree aspect, with the Sun; the aspect between the Sun and the Moon is close to a divergent nonagon. So, both luminaries, connected by a karmic aspect, are in the 12th house, one is in conjunction with the ruler of the 8th house, the other is square to the ruler of the 12th ... Naturally, the owner of such a horoscope, endowed with strong occult abilities, is able to find the most fantastic way clarifying the problem that worries him! But is there in this horoscope an indication of a deal with demonic forces, through which Dante was admitted to the underworld? And what are its conditions – on both sides? Note - Uranus, the ruler of the MC, makes a sextile to Venus in Cancer in the 2nd house, the significator of the 2nd and 7th houses and co-ruler of the 12th, and binonagon to Mars, the ruler of the 12th house, located in Cancer in the 3rd house. This provides for a fee for using the possibilities of the 12th house. What? Dante had to leave his usual places forever. Venus and Mars, Venus and Mercury form semi-nonagons between themselves, Mercury and Mars form a nonagon, as a result of which Venus is at the top of the karmic configuration. Moreover, all three of these planets are associated with the Black Moon in Sagittarius in the 7th house, with Mercury being the exact opposition.
The Sun in Dante's horoscope governs the 4th house, which shows the completion, the outcome of the case; it contains Neptune, the ruler of the 11th house. Probably, Neptune symbolizes the one with whose help in the underworld Dante comprehended the future of Florence, the poet of the court of Emperor Augustus Virgil. Interestingly, in the time charts of ideas, due to the conjunction of Uranus-Neptune in 1307 in Scorpio, Dante's natal Neptune falls into the 1st house, and due to the conjunction of Uranus-Neptune in 1478 - into the 7th house; Thus, the role of Neptune is twofold, although it embodies the same person: it is both Dante himself and his guide at the same time. Of course, traditionally the role of the conductor should have belonged to Mercury (after all, the departed souls were accompanied to the afterlife by Hermes) - which, as already mentioned, forms the exact opposition to the Black Moon; it is in the 1st natal house of Dante's horoscope. This again suggests a clear similarity between Dante and Virgil; two poets, two politicians, two witnesses of the "golden age"...

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