Nostalgična šetnja Beogradom. 🌉🌃🌠 A nostalgic walk through Belgrade.

Beograd. Glavni grad Srbije. Uvek kada odem tamo podseti me na tinejdžersko doba.
Kada sam imala 19, 20 godina, izgledao mi je skroz drugačije iz te perspektive. Kad si klinac i mlad, drugačije doživljavaš neke stvari.

Belgrade. The capital of Serbia. Whenever I go there it reminds me of my teenage years.
When I was 19, 20, he looked completely different from that perspective. When you are a kid and young, you experience some things differently.


Ulazimo u Beograd preko čuvenog pančevačkog mosta. Pored puta ima puno biciklista. Gužva. Mnogo automobila. Dolazimo sa severa. Moj grad je udaljen od Beograda samo 84 km. Zato smo često gosti glavnog grada.

We enter Belgrade via the famous Pančevo bridge. There are a lot of cyclists along the road. Crowd. Lots of cars. We come from the north. My city is only 84 km away from Belgrade. That is why we are often guests of the capital.




Kao klinka, nisam se snalazila ovde. Odrasla sam u mestu gde ti je sve na dohvat ruke. U Beogradu izgubim pola dana dok obidjem dve, tri radnje. Promenim 5,6 gradskih autobusa. Gužve, čekanje, guranje. Kući se vratim umorna i iscrpljena. Kada je leto, toliko se beton ugreje da ne mogu da dodjem do vazduha. Lepljiva od znoja obavljam kupovinu. Gledam stanovnike ovog grada kako uvežbano jure, nema puno kontakta, svi su sa svojim mislima ka cilju. Nikada to nisam mogla da prihvatim. Takav način života. 😟

As a kid, I didn't get along here. I grew up in a place where everything is at your fingertips. I lose half a day in Belgrade while visiting two or three shops. I change 5.6 city buses. Crowds, waiting, pushing. I return home tired and exhausted. When it's summer, the concrete gets so hot that I can't reach the air. Sticky with sweat I do the shopping. I watch the inhabitants of this city as they run in practice, there is not much contact, they are all with their thoughts towards the goal. I could never accept that. Such a way of life. 😟







Večerašnja šetnja je bila drugačija. Bolje organizovana, bez šopinga, samo opuštena poseta prijateljima, pa mi je zato šetnja ovim širokim ulicama prijala.

Tonight's walk was different. Better organized, without shopping, just a relaxed visit to friends, so I enjoyed walking these wide streets.

Posetila sam i mesta gde sam nekada išla na koncerte, izložbe, bioskop. Ah bioskop! Veliki sam filmofil i nikada ne propuštam priliku dok sam ovde, da pogledam dobar film.
Kada smo osetili umor, kupili smo nešto za gricjanje i hladnu vodu, pa krenuli nazad u Vršac. Moj Vršac. Moj ZELENI grad!

I also visited places where I used to go to concerts, exhibitions, cinema. Ah cinema! I'm a big movie buff and I never miss an opportunity while I'm here to watch a good movie.
When we felt tired, we bought something to nibble on and cold water, so we headed back to Vrsac. My Vrsac. My GREEN city!

Bio je ovo moj film u kome sam ja igrala glavnu ulogu. 😉

Bilo je ovo veče puno nostalgije.

Prijatno veče vam želim! 🌹

This was my film in which I played the lead role. 😉

There was a lot of nostalgia this evening.

Have a nice evening! 🌹

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.

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