Hive Stock Images - Close Up Look of Commercial Reef Fishes

Reef #fish is one of the most demanded market commodities. Here on Simeulue Island, various kinds of fresh reef fish can be easily obtained because the #fishing trips carried out by fishermen are carried out daily. On one occasion when I was on Simeulue Island, I had time to take some pictures of reef fish that are commonly traded around this area.

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One of the common reef fish traded here is #jobfish. Species that I found that day were Pirstiopomoides typus, also known as the sharp tooth jobfish, white #snapper, and here in Simeulue this fish is called as Kurisi Bali. If not mistaken, the price of this fish was ranged between IDR 20K-25K (equal to US$ 1.5-2).


Because these fish live in groups, fishermen usually catch these fish in large numbers. Jobfish purchased by local people are generally processed by frying and curdling. For me, the texture of this fish meat is very fibrous and feels like cotton when chewed. The meat is quite sweet and not too rancid, served it in fried form combined with chili sauce would be a perfect match.

Okay, let's move to another species. I can't identify the scientific name of this species as the picture didn't show all parts of the body of this fish. But, I do know that the silverfish are part of the #jackfish or #trevally group.
I do really love any jackfish species, especially the small-sized. Their flesh was really sweet and the texture was so solid. Funny fact about this fish, I get to know that the bigger this fish, the cheaper the price will be. Some people told me that the flesh will get less sweet when the size gets too big (>1.5 Kg), and this is the main reason for the dropping price. For the undersize (<1.5Kg) the price ranged between IDR 25K-35K (~US$ 2-3) and will drop US$ 0.5 while the size gets >1.5Kg.

The next is the #parrotfish. I'm not recommending you to buy this fish. Parrotfish have an important role in the condition of coral reefs in the ocean. As herbivorous fish, they consume algae which are the main competitor of coral. The more parrotfish get caught, the less the population will remain in the sea. If this continues, the algae will become more and more abundant because there are fewer predators. This will then cause coral reefs to be threatened and will have a bad impact on ecosystem conditions in the sea, especially on coral fisheries.

This fish is caught using speargun by traditional fishermen in here. The demand for this fish comes outside the island. I did not have further information about what processed products are used for this fish. But as this fish has a demand even the price is too cheap (only US$ 1 max.), the fishermen will keep caught it.

For the rest, I will share some random pictures of reef fish such the #emperorfish, #grouper, dogtooth #tuna, and else. I hope you enjoy it.





@iqbalnindoliPhone XRAdobe LightroomSimeulue Island, Aceh

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