Stock Images: the Latest News and Tips

It's been a while now since we started to tidy up the community a bit and take things forward with the introduction of a search feature from @Christopher2002. There has been a fantastic response from the community which has risen to the challenge and we've had a huge increase in the quality of images being submitted. Thank you to those who've respond so well to feedback.

We've been starting to see more uptake on the use of images in the community. It's only small so far, but as more people start to learn about us then, then hopefully we'll see more growth there.


Christopher continues to work on the search feature and improve the results. We realise that the link for the site isn't easy to remember, so he and @chrislybear have been working on easier to remember redirects. Currently is now in action and they hope to get working as well.

We've started seeing more use of the #freeimageshare tag recently. Admittedly it's mainly from the Splinterlands community as they make use of images and dividers created by other users. Make sure you're using the tag correctly, because we're looking through the tag regularly now and there's a high chance you could be curated if your post is good. If you aren't sure how this tag is used, please read the welcome post which will tell you more. Consider adding a beneficiary for the creator of the image you're using. After all, your use of their image could be getting you more rewards, especially if we start getting enough people using Hive Stock Images to make a curation compilation.

Community Challenge

We are on the second round of the community challenge. Don't forget, this is a challenge for both image creators and image users. It runs for two weeks and goes up every other weekend. We have been pleasantly surprised with the response we've been getting, because while it isn't lots, we've still had people rise to the challenge and submit both ideas and images. However, there haven't been many submissions and only one suggestion, so you could still be in with a good chance of taking a prize.

Tips for Contributors

We've been leaving messages with advice and tips on posts and often it's repeating the same things, so I'll wrap up with a round up of that advice.

  • Think quality and pay attention to detail. Are your horizons level, what's in your background and does it support or detract from your image?
  • When tagging try to make sure your tags describe what's in the image or the mood of the image. Don't add tags which have nothing to do with the images and don't forget tags which describe the image or what is in it. Use single word tags only, because the search doesn't recognise words linked together.
  • Try to do a little research to see what is in demand. A good place to start would be the community challenge; this will be pinned in the community. You can also look at what people are using in their blog posts and see if you can replicate something similar or do even better.

Thumbnail background image courtesy of @freepix from @chrislybear.

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